What Are Lower Back Spasms and 5 Exercises To Treat It
Lower back pain can be really debilitating,
ruining your day and making you feel completely miserable, especially
when it begins suddenly and you're not prepared to deal with it. In many
cases, lower back pain occurs because you have a spasm in one of the
muscles of the lower back, which can be very painful, but also quite
easy to fix with exercise. This article offers you to try 5 simple
exercises everyone can do at home to deal with a lower back spasm, which
also double as great preventative exercises that will help you avoid
lower back pain as well.

What Does a Lower Back Spasm Feel Like?
A lower back spasm happens when a muscle in the lower back contracts and
tenses up, which results in a sudden painful feeling that ranges from
mildly annoying to very intense. The pain is usually localized to one
muscle, but sometimes, the surrounding area can also be affected or the
pain may radiate into the hip or leg.
Lower back spasms are caused by acute trauma (when you turn suddenly or
lift something heavy) or can become chronic, typically after a lower
back injury. The condition often worsens after physical activities, such
as walking, standing for long periods of time or exercise.
The symptoms of lower back spasms are as follows:
Sudden onset of strong pain
Cramping that comes and goes
Constant pain for a long time
Trouble moving after bending.
Spasms can interfere with our daily lives and cause a lot of pain, so
the best strategy is to relieve the pain that comes with the condition.
Many people use over-the-counter or prescription painkillers,
therapeutic massages or cold and hot compresses to deal with lower back
cramps, but exercises and stretches are also effective at stopping the
pain by relieving the tension in the muscles.
Here are 5 exercises that can help:
1. Supine Twist

This pose can help relax the side muscles in the lower back and increase
the mobility of the spine in this area.
Lower Back Spasm Exercises Supine Twist
Step 1. Lie down on a mat with one knee
bent (a carpet or blanket will do just as well).
Step 2. Rotate your legs left towards the floor until you feel a
stretch. Hold for 5-10 breaths, gradually deepening the stretch.
Step 3. Return to the initial position and repeat on the opposite side.
2. Cat-Cow Stretch

This stretch can help you regain the mobility of the spine and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles.
Step 1. Start on all fours on the floor. If
your knees are sensitive, you can pad them up with a towel or a
blanket. Make sure your knees are directly under your hips and your
wrists are in line with the shoulders.
Step 2. Inhale deeply and arch your back as slowly and mindfully as you
can, raising your head at the very end.
Step 3. When you exhale, round your back and lower your head.
Repeat 7-10 times.
3. Child's Pose

This is a very mild and relaxing stretch that will gently increase the
mobility of the back and help your lower back muscles relax.
Step 1. Just like the previous stretch,
start on all fours, but here the hips can be placed as wide or as close
together as you want, so experiment with what feels best for you.
Step 2. Sit down on your feet, stretching your arms forward and lowering
your chest on your thighs. When you got yourself situated in this pose,
relax your arms and rest your elbows on the floor.
Stay in this position for at least a few minutes, breathing slowly and
4. Hip lifts

When you get a lower back spasm, it might be because your hips are tight
and pull on your lower back muscles. You have to stretch your
hamstrings and activate your hip muscles to relieve lower back pain.
Step 1. Start lying on your back with your
knees bent and the feet on the floor. Rest your hands along the body.
Step 2. Now tense up your abdominals and glutes to protect the lower
back and raise your hips slightly off the ground, holding this position
as long as you can.
Repeat 7-10 times.
5. Shoelace Stretch

This last stretch seems more complex than it is, and it’s a great
exercise to release the tension of both the hip muscles, the glutes, and
the lower back.
Step 1. Start on all fours and cross one
knee over the other.
Step 2. Slowly sit down until your sitz bones reach the ground and sit
up straight and tall if you can.
Step 3. Set your hands on your feet or whatever feels comfortable. You
should feel a stretch in your glutes and lower back. If not lean forward
and bring your torso towards your legs until you feel a stretch. Hold
for at least a minute or two.
Step 4. To get out of this pose, simply raise your sitz bones back up
and return to all fours, switch legs and do the same on the other side.
You can mix and match these exercises as you like, and you will recover
much sooner from a back spasm, but you can also repeat these exercises
daily as a great preventative measure as well.