Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Why Some People Will Have Stronger Side-Effects of Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

All set to get your second dose of COVID-19 vaccination? It has been proven that vaccination against COVID 19 can reduce the risk of infection, severity, the long-term effect of the infection, and transmission to other individuals. While people are geared up to get jabbed, many people are worried about the possible side effects of the vaccine. To date, there are around 4 million people who have received their first shot, and around 1 million people are fully vaccinated.

After taking the vaccine against COVID-19, many people experienced side effects including sore arm, tiredness, headache, fever, or nausea, which is a sign that the immune system is responding well to the vaccine. Whereas, there are many who have not experienced any side effects at all. According to a report in the Times of India, if you are waiting for the second dose of COVID-19 in the next phase of immunization, then the side effects can be exponentially more intense, in comparison to the first dose. But experts say that harsh side effects should not bog you down.

Why the difference in side-effects of First Dose and Second Dose?

Getting the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is highly important as it protects us from the deadly coronavirus. The first dose of the vaccine helps in kicking inflammatory reactions and builds antibodies, and the second dose will bring memory cells into action. According to Healthline, the immune system response tends to be more robust when the second dose is delivered. Hence, stronger side-effects.

What are the Side-Effects of The Vaccine?

According to experts, side effects can differ based on vaccines. The reaction could be severe for COVID-19 injections. The goal of any vaccination is to achieve long-lasting immunity by activating the second brand of immune response i.e. adaptive immunity.

The Healthline report says that a person’s reaction to vaccination boils down to the innate differences in each person’s biochemical makeup, environment, and personal history.

People can have milder side effects after getting jabbed. A lot of people experience fatigue, local reactions. As per reports, serious side effects, including anaphylactic allergic reactions, are rare. People can also get diarrhea or vomiting.

Most people experience this inflammatory response by both the innate and adaptive immune systems is exaggerated and manifests as a side-effect. In others, although it is working normally, it is not at levels that can cause noticeable side effects. Either way, immunity against the virus is established.


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