Thursday, July 01, 2021

What is Cytomegalovirus? How is it affecting COVID-19 patients?

How is Cytomegalovirus affecting COVID-19 patients?

The novel coronavirus is not only known for causing mild to severe infections, but is also efficient in leaving a post COVID effect. As per reports, five cases of Cytomegalovirus (CMV), leading to rectal bleeding in COVID immunocompetent patients have been reported in Delhi's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Doctors said that these patients experienced this ailment after being diagnosed with SARs-COV-2 virus.

Cytomegalovirus: What is it?

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that affects people who have a weakened immune system. CMV is a double-stranded DNA virus and a member of the human herpesvirus family. While it is not a concern for healthy individuals, it may impact a person with a weak immunity and may remain inside their body for life after infection. The virus spreads through blood, urine, and saliva of an infected person.

Impact on COVID-19 patients

Reports suggest that Cytomegalovirus have been detected in COVID immunocompetent patients.

According to Prof. Anil Arora, chairman, Institute of Liver Gastroenterology and Pancreaticobiliary Sciences, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, “During the second wave of the pandemic in April-May, we have seen five cases of CMV infection in otherwise immunocompetent patients with Covid-19. These patients presented themselves with pain in the abdomen and blood in stool. The symptoms were reported around 20 to 30 days after Covid-19 diagnosis."

The hospital stated that the infected patients reported blood in stool, pain or intestinal obstruction. Of the five cases, one person succumbed to death due to severe COVID infection and "massive bleeding".

What's causing Cytomegalovirus in patients?

Since CMV affects people with a weak immunity, doctors believe that COVID-19 patients who have compromised immunity may be more prone to develop this virus. Severe COVID-19 patients sometimes also have to receive steroid therapy which makes their immune system all the more vulnerable and more at risk of the virus.

Associated symptoms

Cytomegalovirus primarily affects people with weakened immunity and therefore, it may also go unnoticed. However, there are a few signs and symptoms that can tell you whether you have contracted the virus.

According to experts, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, swollen glands and fever may be some of the most common symptoms.

More grievous symptoms may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, rectal bleeding, and weight loss.

As per reports from the hospital, out of five patients ranging from 30 to 70 years, four had lower gastrointestinal bleeding and another patient reported intestinal obstruction.

Two of them experienced "massive bleeding", one requiring emergency surgery.

One patient succumbed due to massive bleeding and severe chest disease. Three of the total patients were successfully treated with antiviral therapy.

How can it be diagnosed?

In order to diagnose the virus, doctors recommend blood and urine test which would include CMV antigen, a virus culture, or PCR. 


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