Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Chinese Face Mapping Is Your Secret Beauty Weapon

If you would like to know what is going on internally in your body, you will love to learn Chinese Face Mapping Skin Analysis and it really works.

Chinese Face Mapping is an ancient practice that links your face to your inner health. You may be surprised to find that redness, dry patches or Acne can be directly attributed to the inner workings of your body.

Face Mapping can give you valuable insights. Each section of your face represents vital organs. Your upper cheeks for example are linked to your lungs and your eyes to your kidneys.


The great part of this practice is that once you know the root of the problem, you can start correcting it.

Smoking, poor diet, too much sugar, hormones, excessive alcohol, lack of sleep and dehydration are just some of the common issues.

Face Mapping 

 The skin is the largest body organ and it mirrors back to you clues in the form of physical imperfections. Your T-Zone, for example, can represent poor circulation, stress, coffee and alcohol overconsumption.

When it comes to your chin, jaw and neck, it is a haven for processed sugar and hormone imbalances.



Our face reflects the imbalances in our body through the appearance of rashes, pimples or color changes. Here’s how to interpret the different areas of your face for health purposes.

Forehead Area

The forehead is linked to the bladder and small intestine. The reasons could include excessive amounts of fats and processed foods, as well as stress, sleep deficiency.

Sugar and alcohol lead to slow digestion. The best treatment is lots of water, avoidance of alcohol and the consumption of raw food. A good night's sleep is a must too. 

Area Between The Eyebrows 

The area between the eyebrows is linked to the liver. Certain things affect the toxicity including excessive meat, alcohol and dairy consumption.

Consequently, the stomach is working overtime to digest the ingredients and this can cause inflammation.

The best way to treat is to include lots of raw, organic and healthy foods. Fresh air, meditation, yoga, or fast walking also are helpful.

Nose Related Area

The Nose is related to the heart. Poor circulation, gasses, stomach bloating or even high blood pressure are some of the reasons that this area may appear inflamed.

The best treatments include examining your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels. You should also look at detoxing your body by drinking organic green tea and exercising regularly.


Upper Part Of Cheeks Area

The upper part of the cheeks is linked to the lungs. The reasons can include smoking, asthma, pollution. Look at reducing or giving up smoking, get lots of fresh air and start exercising.  

The cheeks also link to kidneys and the reason can be poor diet and stress. Excessive amounts of sugar and smoking are other possibilities. You should avoid junk food and use top-quality cosmetics and products on your skin.

Mouth And Chin Areas

The mouth and chin areas are related to the stomach and relate to high-fat and sugary foods, alcohol, caffeine drinks, stress and staying up late.

The best treatment includes a balanced healthy diet that is rich in fruits. If these issues persist, you should consult your doctor.

Jaw And Neck Areas 

The Jaw and Neck Areas are linked to hormones. The reason is generally dehydration, too much salty food,  too much caffeine or spices. The treatment includes lots of water and reduction of caffeinated drinks, spices and salty food.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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