Monday, March 08, 2021

Why Are Some of Us Cold?

We all get cold from time to time. But some of us get cold more often than others, especially at our toes and hands. Why do some people feel colder than others? What causes us to feel cold?

Here are a few explanations of why you might be feeling cold where the next person doesn't.

The thyroid gland supervises the body's metabolism with the help of two hormones: Thyroxin (T4) and Triudotironin (T3) which it makes out of iodine. A malfunction in the thyroid gland can lead to a lower amount of activity (Hypothyroidism) or too much activity (hyperthyroidism). 
In Hypothyroidism, the metabolism is slowed down, which manifests as sensitivity to cold, feeling tired, gaining weight, slower heartbeat and blood pressure, loss of hair, muscle contraction, skin dryness, fragile fingernails and a decrease in libido. 
"Standard blood tests usually miss about 50% of Hypothyroidism cases," explains Dr. Jacob Teitlbaum, author of the book 'From Fatigued to Fantastic'. "If the test comes back without finding a problem," says Dr. Teitlbaum, "but you still see a problem, you may want to consult with a more holistic doctor." 
A Shortage in Iron 
 Iron is needed for the transfer of oxygen by our blood to the cells of the body, to be harvested into energy. Low levels of iron can explain why you are feeling cold. "If you don't have enough energy due to a shortage in iron, your inner thermostat might get damaged and that is why you are cold." Says Dr. Teitlbaum. 
Ask your doctor to take a blood test to check the ability of the blood to retain iron. The norm measurements for men should be 12-300 nanograms per ml. For women, it is 7-140 nanograms per ml. And for children - 7-140 nanograms per ml. 
A low count in this test points to a shortage in iron, which may quickly lead to anemia. You can increase your iron intake by eating red meat, liver or oysters, and of course you can always take supplements. A doctor visit is advised.
Lack of Sleep 
stress and sleep
When the body doesn't get enough rest, the nervous system, which helps regulate the temperature of the body, is undermined, which may express itself as dropping body temperatures. In past decades, more people used to get 8 hours of sleep a night. But in the era of internet, mobile phones and televisions, that period of sleep is significantly shortening and with it the quality of sleep. Allow yourselves to make up for essential sleeping time to return the balance to your nervous system.
Raynaud's Syndrome 
If you find that your hands hurt or tingle whenever you're outside, you may be suffering from Raynaud's Syndrome. "This happens when small blood vessels that are supplying blood to the skin, shrink and restrict the flow of blood to our extremities." Says Dr. Teitlbaum. 
This syndrome is manifested by the appearance of paleness in the ends of our fingers or toes, and in many cases it is a result of prolonged exposure to cold, accompanied by mental pressure. This can also happen from over-smoking or using medicine that shrinks your blood vessels. "To know if you suffer from this, put your fingers in the freezer and see if they turn white." Taking magnesium can help take care of symptoms, as well as quitting smoking, putting on gloves and socks and addressing cases of chronic pressure. 
Candida is a fungus of yeast found naturally in the colon that is controlled by the immune system. Only sometimes it gets out of hand, which increases the pressure on the activities of the hypothalamus, a brain area responsible, among other things, for regulating and monitoring body temperature. Usually, the candida gets out of control in people who have taken too many antibiotics, which harms good bacteria in the intestines and can be expressed by prolonged headaches, tiredness and a sensitivity to cold. 
"To rid yourselves of the candida," says Dr.Teitlbaum, "It's recommended to take probiotics and to limit the intake of sugar and yeast, so as not to feed the fungus." 
One of the main characteristics of our society today is stress. While worries are an inseparable part of our daily lives, ongoing stress can put stress on the hypothalamus and cause problems with its functioning. Even a low stress that doesn't go away can accumulate and weaken the bodily functions that are dependent on the hypothalamus, such as the thyroid gland or the internal temperature control of our bodies. 
It isn't easy to fight stress, among the best solutions are Meditation, focusing on positive aspects of life, finding time to rest and eliminating the causes of stress in our lives. 
There is such a thing as too thin 
Animals that live in very cold places, such as seals, penguins and whales, have a very thick layer of fat to insulate them from the outside temperature. A person who is too low on fat, automatically becomes sensitive to cold. Make sure your BMI (Body Mass Index) isn't lower than 18.5 (the lowest normal measure).

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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