Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Natural Ways of Treating Spider Veins

If you've been finding small, red or blue-colored, branch-like veins on your legs or even face, in the form of short, jagged lines, then you are most probably suffering from the condition called spider veins. Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, which look like bulging cords and are sometimes found to be swollen. However, spider veins are smaller and are closer to the skin surface. In the USA, up to 55% of women and 45% of men suffer from this vein problem. Although the chances of getting it tend to increase as you get older, there are other contributing factors of spider veins you can easily avoid.

spider veins 
What are spider veins and how are they caused?
 Spider veins and varicose veins may both be caused when veins experience unusual pressure due to lack of activity, excess weight, and sometimes even sun exposure. Our veins transport blood from our heart to all parts of the body and transport it back against the force of gravity, with valves along the way preventing the blood from going back down. The weakening of these valves, which happens as a result of the previously-mentioned pressure, leads to the gathering of blood in some parts of the body, very commonly the legs. As a result, veins change color or swell up, and appear on our skin as spider veins or varicose veins. Sometimes, the spider veins may also cause discomfort, itching or burning in the legs, and less often, even inner bleeding. 
What can I do to prevent spider veins? 
Although not all spider veins can be prevented, there are some measures you can take in order to reduce the chance of their occurrence. One should take into account that some adults are more susceptible to spider veins than others, due to factors such as ageing, genetics, obesity and past injuries. Take note of the following useful tips, especially if you spend hours in the same position every day. 

Performing physical exercise regularly is highly recommended - This will improve the strength of your legs, your circulation and hence - the health of your veins. Walking, running and jogging are the simplest forms of movement that work strongly on the legs. 
If you sit down for long periods of time, take this advice - Take short walks at least every 20-30 minutes and make sure to move your body every now and then. This will reduce the risk of having blood gather at your valves due to lack of circulation. Another suggestion would be to elevate your legs when sitting at your desk by providing some form of support for your feet
If you stand for long periods of time, remember - This also puts pressure on your legs. Remind yourself to change your position frequently and shift your body weight from one leg to the other. It might also be a good idea to sit down and rest your legs for a while. 
Avoid crossing your legs when sitting down for a long time - This increases the chances of having more varicose or spider veins and also the risk of injury. 
Wear the right thing - Very tight clothing puts pressure on your body and may affect your circulation. This may be particularly harmful to the groin, waist and leg areas. You may want to wear elastic support stockings, comfortable shoes, and of course avoid wearing high-heels for long stretches of time.
Fine-tune your diet - Eating excessively salty food may increase swelling and not getting enough fiber can cause constipation, which is another cause of vein problems. Make it a point to increase your in-take of fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. 
Protect your skin - Apply sunscreen when being exposed to strong UV rays to help minimize the risk of developing spider veins on your face. 
 How can spider veins be treated? 
Laser treatment can eliminate spider veins, but may be too expensive and not worth the risk. The same goes for sclerotherapy, which is a costly injection one can take to improve the appearance of spider veins for up to two years. These may be useful, but they also have their own potential physical side-effects. Besides, results may depend on your age and how serious your spider veins appear to be. This is where natural remedies come in handy, offering a range of different natural sources with their own valuable properties. This is not only the cheapest option, but also the healthiest. The following are some recommendable natural remedies worth considering to beat your spider veins.

1. Basil

With its properties of vitamin K, a vitamin that is vital for the health of blood vessels and blood flow, Basil is said to be a highly effective remedy for the appearance and occurrence of spider veins. In fact, it has been proven that, if consumed daily, it can fade and shrink spider veins in the span of one and a half months
2. Lemon Oil

Lemon oil 
Make lemon oil by combining grated lemon peel and oil, set it over low heat and cook it very gently for infusion. After around 10 minutes, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool. Make sure you seal it tightly when storing. The resulting infusion can be applied to the area affected by spider veins and the immediately surrounding skin to ease swellings if any, and it can also help improve circulation a great deal if massaged well. 
3. Black Currant
This herb not only lessens the effect of spider veins, but can also prevent the formation of new ones by improving circulation. Inflammation and diuresis (which aids to cleanse the blood and body) can also be improved thanks to this herb. You can make your own drink by adding 2 to 2 and a half teaspoons of its dried leaves to a liter of water. 
4. Rose Hips
Rose hips 
You canmake oil from rose hips by adding oil to rose hips and storing it for 6 weeks to let it infuse. Massaging the resulting rose hip oil into the area of spider veins may be beneficial for circulation, alleviation of the spider veins and can help support their surrounding tissues, due to the astringent properties rose hips contain. You can also create a compress from this herb and apply it directly to the affected skin as a variation
5. Bay Leaves

Bay leaves 
By adding these to extra virgin olive oil you will be able to moisturize the skin with the mixture of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants this herb holds. This will also help alleviate your spider veins greatly by applying it to the troublesome area. You may also choose to warm up this combination before application in order to be able to strain the leaves.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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