Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sleep Apnea: a Concise Medical Guide and Facts

Good sleep is a true blessing - one that we don’t really appreciate until we suddenly wake up in the morning, but instead of being refreshed and full of energy, we’re all exhausted and grumpy without understanding why. If this sounds familiar, you may have sleep apnea. This sleep condition is very common, and every 20th person in the world, or 6% of the population, suffer from it. What’s even more alarming, is that most sleep apnea sufferers don’t even realize that they have it. Look through this concise and informative medical guide to sleep apnea to learn about this elusive health condition, its symptoms, risks, and treatments.

Sleep Apnea Inforgraphic 1
Sleep Apnea Inforgraphic 2 
Sleep Apnea Inforgraphic 3 
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