Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Know the dos and don't of natural sweeteners for blood sugar management

Many people, irrespective of if they have developed type 2 diabetes or not, are now moving towards natural sweeteners in a bid to eat and be healthier. Know how safe is jaggery for diabetics.

Type 2 diabetes is a health condition that can cause blood sugar levels to rise. When due to various reasons, the body is unable to produce any insulin – the hormone responsible for the breakdown of sugar, or the cells of the body are unable to use that insulin to break down glucose, it leads to a spike in blood sugar. If not managed well, high blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, can cause serious health complications and problems, and even damage vital organs such as the kidneys and heart.

People who develop type 2 diabetes have to be extra careful of what they eat, and when they eat. They are recommended to steer clear of sweets, sugar, and any food products that may contain a lot of added sugar. They are also advised to consume small, frequent meals, in order to keep their blood sugar stable and managed. 

The truth about natural sweeteners

Many people, irrespective of if they have developed type 2 diabetes or not, are now moving towards natural sweeteners in a bid to eat and be healthier. Some popular natural sweeteners include honey and jaggery, and they are both commonly used as replacements to processed sugar. They are believed to be healthier in the sense that they are not as processed as sugar, and therefore, may contain fewer chemicals, preservatives, or processing, and that is true to a great extent. When compared with processed white or brown sugar, jaggery or honey are better and healthier options.

Does that mean diabetics can eat jaggery safely?

Diabetics are recommended to avoid anything sweet, as much as they can, to manage their blood sugar levels. This is because the food we eat generally is also rich in carbs and some form of sugar, which is enough to keep the blood sugar levels stable and prevent them from dropping too low. While the popular notion is that jaggery is healthier than sugar, for diabetics, they may in fact be the same. Therefore, diabetic patients should avoid consumption of jaggery as well.

While jaggery is a natural sweetener and healthier than sugar overall, it still is pretty high in sugar content. Therefore, while it may not harm the body due to excess processing or chemicals, for diabetics, it can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. Jaggery has a high glycemic index of 84.4 which makes it unfit for consumption by diabetics. 

Bottom line

Consuming natural sweeteners instead of sugar or other artificial sweeteners may be healthier, but it does not mean that one can consume them as much as they like, and expect to stay healthy. Remember that moderation is key, whether you have diabetes or not. Consumption of natural sweeteners in excess, even when you do not have diabetes can lead to unintended weight gain, and increase the risk of obesity, other chronic diseases.

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