Friday, October 16, 2020

Digestion - Ways To Improve It

Although we don’t usually know how to make the link between the two in most cases, many of our health problems are caused by digestive disorders. This can happen from overuse of antibiotics, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, infections and more. Most people are unaware that their digestive system is not functioning properly, and if you have heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, burping, unexplained fatigue, or even cravings for certain foods often, you may be one of those people. 
There are many other signs of problems in this area, but what you need to know is that if your digestive system is not functioning properly, it may not absorb the nutrients from food, causing your body not to function optimally. In the next article, you’ll find 14 natural tips to improve digestive processes, which will help you keep your body healthy.
1. Avoid foods that irritate your digestive system 
  Some of us are sensitive to certain foods such as gluten, dairy products, corn, soybeans, nuts, eggs, chocolate, and citrus. Paying attention to your body after consuming these types of foods will help you to identify the problem. If you feel bloating, difficulty concentrating, have skin problems or anything else after eating a certain food, consider avoiding it. Each week try to remove a specific food from your diet until you find the ones your body has trouble digesting. 
2. Eat more fat, but not too much  
Although it is generally recommended to avoid fat intake, especially for constipation, and to increase fiber intake, there are quite a few people who have difficulty utilizing the benefits of fiber due to trouble digesting them. The fibers in their digestive system can’t get out, causing more digestive problems, but the role of fat is to help the fibers move easily. If you are struggling with constipation, you can make great use of this tip by eating fats from good sources such as coconut oil, fish fat, olive oil, canola oil, and flaxseed, and try to avoid margarine, sunflower and soy oil. 
3. Don’t skip chewing 
Many people forget one of the most important digestive stations is your mouth. The food we eat is chemically broken down in the mouth whilst chewing, and the more broken down it is the easier it will be for the rest of your digestive system to process. Try to chew each bite 20 times. At first, it may be difficult and strange, but within three weeks the action will become natural, and you’ll help your body absorb the food in the best possible way.

4. Start each meal with a bitter taste 
Even if you feel hungry, your stomach may still not be able to absorb substances. Bitter food helps to signal to your body that it is time to produce gastric juices, thus preparing your body to absorb the food you eat, which will help it digest more efficiently. Green leaves like rocket and dandelion leaves, as well as apple cider vinegar can be excellent solutions.

5. Cleanse your intestines often 
Every one of us needs to cleanse our intestines from time to time. An enema is an excellent solution that helps moisten and soften the debris that is left in our intestines and helps wash it out. As a result, you will also cause the liver and other cells in your body to release more toxins which will be cleansed as well, and in addition to improving your digestive processes, your whole body will benefit from a good cleanse. 
6. Eat more fermented and probiotic foods 
Much of the work that takes place in the digestive system is done by the friendly bacteria in your body. If the balance between good bacteria and harmful bacteria is disturbed, many problems arise in the digestive processes themselves. In order to maintain the good bacteria in your digestive system, it is recommended to incorporate probiotic foods in your diet to feed them. Fermented foods also help nourish the friendly bacteria in your intestines, so you should eat them as well.

7. Drink chamomile or ginger tea  
In addition to its soothing qualities, chamomile tea helps digestive processes and treats digestive problems such as nausea and abdominal pain, and helps to calm muscle cramps in the digestive system. It is recommended to drink at least one glass of chamomile tea daily, and if you wish to diversify you can also drink ginger tea, which should be prepared from the fresh root and not from a pre-prepared tea mixture. 
8. Massage the stomach after eating 
Many alternative medicine practitioners suggest massaging the stomach after each meal for 2-5 minutes. Place your hand on the top of your abdomen and massage it clockwise. You can do this massage for yourself after every meal or at least in the evening to help your body digest food more efficiently. Also, a hot bottle placed close to the stomach helps calm the stomach and intestinal muscles. 
9. Drink bone broth 
Homemade bone broth is a great source of the materials your body needs, and it is also very easy to prepare. It contains many minerals, amino acid proline, gelatin, and glycine, all of which help calm the stomach and digestive tract and improve the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food. The soup can be a dish in itself or may accompany another dish, either way your body is sure to thank you for it.

10. Provide support for your liver 
Your liver does a lot of things for the body, and one of them is the production of bile, which helps break down fat in a process that contributes to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). If you do not have enough bile, the digestive system will suffer and you’ll probably feel tired after a fatty meal. To support your liver eat beets, artichokes, quality proteins and of course, liver. 
11. Make time for a good breakfast  
It's called "the most important meal of the day" for a reason. Breakfast gives an opening shot to our metabolic activity and improves its functioning throughout the day. Even if you don’t have an appetite, remember that you are doing yourself a huge favor by eating breakfast, and if you add probiotic yogurt, you'll further increase the benefits you reap. 
12. Improve your sitting position on the toilet It turns out that the sitting position on the modern toilet to which we have been accustomed to has terrible effects on our digestive system. More and more studies and testimonies from the past and from different cultures reveal that the right way to settle down while we relieve ourselves is by bending and not sitting down. When we sit, we exert pressure on the rectum using the puborectalis muscle. 
Imagine a curved garden hose - water will have a harder time passing through. In the bending position, the muscle is loose and the rectum is aligned, making it easier to relieve our needs. Moreover, many experts argue that many problems arise from our sitting on the toilet, and that bending can prevent many health problems, especially hemorrhoids. Place a small stool in front of the toilet and use it to reach the desired bending position.

13. Drink water, but not during meal time 
It is very important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain proper digestion, but during the meal, it is recommended not to drink water at all. This is because water dilutes the stomach juices and slows the digestion process. Of course, if there are foods that make us feel thirsty you can drink if necessary, but it is recommended to take small sips. In addition, it is best if the water is room temperature or warm because cold water causes a slowdown in digestive processes. 
14. Avoid eating under pressure or during activity 
Eating under pressure or rushing is a sure recipe for disrupting digestive processes. When eating calmly, the body activates the parasympathetic system, and the digestive process takes place as part of its activity. In stressful situations or during energetic activity, the body activates the sympathetic system only and does not invest energy in the digestive processes. This is why many people feel nauseated when stressed or after running.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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