Saturday, September 26, 2020

Neem for diabetes - The many benefits and uses of the herb to control blood sugar levels

Diabetes is a (WHO) World Health Organization recognized disease in which a person experiences an abnormal elevation in the blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. According to the WHO, around 1.6 million people die of diabetes every year and the number of diabetic patients worldwide is around 422 million. Diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blindness, lower limb amputation and kidney failure. It is more prevalent in countries that fall under the low to middle-income countries. Management of diabetes can be a hassle. However, one just has to look around. The solution might be in front of them.

Since ancient times, neem has been used and acknowledged for its health benefits, making it one of the popular medicinal herbs used in Ayurveda. Due to similar reasons, it can have miraculous effects on diabetes if used properly. Not only can neem help with keeping the blood sugar levels under control, but according to the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, it can also help prevent the incipience of diabetes. 

An amalgamation of substances: Neem is a beautiful combination of compounds and substances such as glycosides, triterpenoid, antioxidants and flavonoids that can help repress the surge of glucose, thereby preventing an unhealthy rise in its levels.

Easy to inculcate in lifestyle: Neem is available in India in abundance. Due to similar reasons, it is a cost-efficient herb that can be easily included in the lifestyle.

Ways to consume neem

You can consume neem and include it in your lifestyle in the following ways:

  • Chewing neem leaves every morning is a great way to consume and extract its medicinal properties. Make sure to thoroughly clean them before consumption.
  • You can also consume it in the form of neem water. To prepare this, you first need to wash the leaves. Then some water in a pan and boil some neem leaves in it. Do this for at least 5 minutes. You will notice the altered colour of the water into a green liquid. Strain the leaves and consume. You can consume this twice a day.                                                                                          

    How does neem help with diabetes

    An amalgamation of substances: Neem is a beautiful combination of compounds and substances such as glycosides, triterpenoid, antioxidants and flavonoids that can help repress the surge of glucose, thereby preventing an unhealthy rise in its levels.

    Easy to inculcate in lifestyle: Neem is available in India in abundance. Due to similar reasons, it is a cost-efficient herb that can be easily included in the lifestyle.

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