Wednesday, August 26, 2020

6 Big Myths About Hydration

 Stay hydrated

Myth: We're all chronically dehydrated 

Fact: Not if you eat a healthy diet

Once upon a time, we used to have some water just to wash down a meal. But these days, we're encouraged to drink all day long, on the premise that we've secretly been walking around like parched zombies. Not so, says Barbara Rolls, PhD, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University. The truth is, moisture in food contributes about 20 percent of the fluid you need. So if you avoid "dry" foods like heavily processed crackers, fill up on fruits and veggies and drink when you're thirsty, you should stay well hydrated, even if you're not chugalugging, explains Rolls.

Bottom line: Eating a diet packed with produce helps prevent dehydration throughout the day. Some : cucumbers (97 percent water), cauliflower (92 percent water), spinach (91 percent water) and strawberries (91 percent water).



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