Friday, March 20, 2020

Tips to avoid coronavirus infection

When the whole world is gripped with coronavirus pandemic, each of us can do our small bits to help ourselves and others from spreading this disease. Let us act as responsible citizens. Let us pray and wish good health to all.

Hand hygiene
Wash hands frequently with soap and water at least for 20 seconds. Do this especially when you had been to a public place and if you had to sneeze, cough or blow your nose.

Washing with soap and water is the best way to disinfect your hands. If you have to depend on sanitizers for this purpose, use a good sanitizer that has at least 60 % alcohol. The right way to use a sanitizer is to cover the entire surface of both your hands and rub the hands together till the hands feel dry.
Nevver touch your nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands.

Managing contact with other people.
Never get in close contact with people those who are sick
Stay at a comfortable distance with people of you find COVID-19 spreading in your community. People who are at a higher risk of getting infected must follow this rule diligently.

Your responsibility towards others
If you're sick, never move out from home except for receiving medical are. If you're mildly ill due to COVID-19, you can recover at home. Visiting public areas when you're ill is never acceptable.
If you're sick, never use public transportation or sharing transportation like taxis and auto-rickshaws.

Good practices while coughing and sneezing
If you've to cough or sneeze, cover your nose and moth with a tissue. Once used, discard the tissue in a trash.
After sneezing or coughing, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. While using hand sanitizer must ensure you're depending on the one having 60 % alcohol.

Face mask and corona virus infections
If you're sick and if need to be in the vicinity of other people, wearing a face mask is a must. \do this without fail if you visit a healthcare provider. In case you've difficulties in wearing a face mask, you must cover your coughs and sneezes. Advice people who are caring for you to wear face mask.

Facemasks are in huge demand today, if you're not sick, you do not need to wear a face mask, if you're not a caregiver to someone suffering from corona virus infection.

Disinfect frequently touched surfaces
Identify those surfaces that are frequently touched by people and disinfect them daily. Here we're talking about tables, doorknobs, countertops, desks, handles, keyboards, toilets, sinks, faucets, phones, switches and others. Before disinfection, clean the surfaces with soap and water before you attempt to disinfect them.

For different surfaces, different disinfectants will come in handy. Choose the right products and make use of them in the prescribed way to stay safe.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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