Friday, February 28, 2020

These 3 things will stop Coronavirus from killing you

A global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is imminent—by all reasoned calculations. In reaction, sectors all across the world have enacted the largest remote work movement ever recorded.

In the likely event of COVID-19 penetrating the US, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has advised the workforce to prepare for an extended period of out-of-office collaboration.

Here’s everything you need to know.
Nutrition, immunization, and output

Although The World Health Organization has yet to recognize COVID-19 as a global pandemic, many US corporations have decided to employ as many preemptive measures as they can ahead of the pending bureaucracy.

The best way to circumvent COVID-19’s rapid transmission rate is by promoting social distancing. This means stocking up on necessary items to reduce exchanges between potential carriers.

After reviewing the relevant data, Ladders formulated a list comprised of three categories to ensure remote workers load up on the essentials: Nutrition, Immunization, and Output.

The first refers to all of the things you need to function; everything from water, canned foods, and pharmaceutical care.

Rebecca Katz, director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University recommends individuals with pre-existing conditions seek extended supplies of their medication from their insurance provider. The more time you can buy yourself before a refill the better, so long as your prescription request receives approval.

Immunization denotes all of the clinical, technical and dietary objects geared to fortify our immune system and or protect us from foreign bodies. Make sure to have a full first-aid kit, face masks, fever reducers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen as well as any other tools and supplements that will keep you protected during high-risk situations.

It is not yet categorically known how long COVID-19 can survive outside of its host but experts are fairly confident that most household disinfectants will effectively deactivate the virus.

A study conducted earlier this year on the three most common coronaviruses, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and the endemic human strain (HCoV), concluded that they can be eliminated in less than 60 seconds by-products composed of 62-71%  ethanol, 0.5%  hydrogen peroxide or 0.1 % sodium hypochlorite.

Output, the final sub-list, encompasses all of the things that will enhance your productivity while you take on tasks remotely: a strong internet connection, a program like Slack that facilitates open communication, an organized working space,  and a principled system that will curb procrastination.
Consider The Pomodoro technique. In order to maximize waves of focus, segment tasks into 25-minute intervals with the help of a timer. When your device chimes at the end of each cycle, take a short five-minute break so you can regroup, re-hydrate and ramble about before addressing the next item on your docket.

Curing the stigma

“Outbreaks of novel virus infections among people are always of public health concern. The risk from these outbreaks depends on the characteristics of the virus, including how well it spreads between people, the severity of resulting illness, and the medical or other measures available to control the impact of the virus,” The CDC reports. “As community spread is detected in more and more countries, the world moves closer toward meeting the third criteria, the worldwide spread of the new virus.”

COVID-19’s breakneck transmission speed appears to have tempered much of the irresolution surrounding teleworking, especially in the minds of employers. Regions with high-concentrations of confirmed cases have actually been mandated to either shut down operations or devise remote work scenarios until the outbreak is contained.

“It’s a test run that we didn’t really choose to implement, but we’re quite happy with it,” Brice Lamarque, sales and accounts director at a web and branding agency in Hong Kong told CNN. “Nearly all the agency’s employees have been working from home this month — and will continue for as long as the Hong Kong government advises.”

The circumstances surging remote work around the world are provisional but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to learn and gain from recent advancements in teleworking going forward.

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