Friday, January 10, 2020

How does vitamin deficiency affect your skin?

We all know that deficiency of vitamins or any nutrient for that matter, affects our health. But probably you weren't aware of the fact that your skin also shows signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamins are essential nutrients that help us perform a wide range of crucial bodily functions including those of the heart, kidneys, liver, eyes and other important organs. To get all the vitamins, namely A, B, C, D, E and K, you need to have a balanced diet. 

Also, you must ensure that you get the right amount of each of these vitamins. Vitamin deficiency will not only impact your health but also your skin, especially the face. Yes, your skin also skin needs vitamins and other nutrients in the right proportion in order to do its main job: Acting as your body’s first line of defence against any external attack. Here, we tell you how deficiency of vitamin impacts your skin.

You’ll get acne

An inflammatory dermatological condition, acne gives you spots and pimples on the face. It can also appear on your shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Hormonal imbalance and poor skin care are the top causes behind this condition. However, vitamin deficiency can be another culprit behind acne. Inadequate levels of vitamin A and E can cause lead to acne. Check with your dermatologist for the underlying cause.

Your skin will become pale

This could be the sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. Low levels of this vitamin can be the cause behind your pale skin and lips. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to other conditions like weakness, poor eye sight, shortness of breath, tingling sensation, so on and so forth. If the paleness of your skin is accompanied by these symptoms, then you must get a blood test done to check the levels of this vitamin. Speak to a nutritionist to know the best food sources for vitamin B12.

Your gums may bleed

Gum bleeding can be the result of more than one factors. One of them is vitamin C deficiency. Foods rich in citrus are the best sources of this vitamin. Lemon, oranges and grapefruit among others could be the best options for you. Make sure you have these fruits quite often.


Here are some of the best food sources of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, chicken, whole broccoli and cereals are good options for vitamin B. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is found in citrus fruits, potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, and spinach. For vitamin A, you can opt for pumpkins, fruits and spinach and for vitamin D, sunlight is the best source. You can get your daily dose of vitamin E leafy vegetables and whole grains. You’ll find vitamin K in cabbage, eggs, milk and broccoli.

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