Thursday, December 26, 2019

Superfoods To Avoid And To Consider To Reduce Your Blood Pressure

It is expected for blood pressure to rise and fall throughout our lives – although it should still be checked regularly. We need to monitor what we eat to make sure it remains low. For example, every meal we eat can contribute to hypertension in some way or another. This is when force is applied against the blood vessels’ walls and causing the heart to work harder than usual. 

The effects can be deadly.
Even though exercising regularly can help us reduce this, we can also do our part by avoiding foods which are high in sugar or salt. Here are some of the foods that help and hinder your blood pressure as you get older.

Avoid – Pot Pies

Before we get going, we’re going to spill a secret: sodium is bad for our blood pressure. Pot pies contain 1,400 mg of sodium and 35 grams of fat (and not the good kind!). These local snacks are incredibly unhealthy and should not be eaten unless for very rare or special occasions.
If you want to lower the chance of high blood pressure, just avoid this meal. And that’s just the pastry – not even thinking about the rest of the ingredients inside the pie!  

Avoid – Cheese

Everyone knows cheese is delicious. However, we must think of how much salt is in these little blocks of goodness. Cheddar cheese has 621 mg of sodium per 100 grams, which is considered a lot but not nearly as bad as others.
Gouda cheese has 819 mg of sodium per 100 grams, and American cheese has 1,671 mg of sodium per 100 grams. That’s a lot! Next time, make sure to cut down on the amount. It’s not bad if you cut it out completely, but this would be a sad day indeed.

Avoid – Candy

An obvious one – we’ve known this since we were little kids! Your favorite sweets are full of sugar like high fructose corn syrup content, which could lead to weight gain, kidney disease, or accelerate diabetes. Ultimately, all of this can lead to high blood pressure in the end. 
Not to mention, candy also rots your teeth and gives you acne – just avoid the stuff! Next time you eat your favorite bag of skittles or chocolates, think of the long term damage.  

Avoid – Soft Drinks

Similar to candy, drinking soft drinks is also a big problem. These sodas are highly addictive and leave you to wanting more and more. Soft drinks are full of sugar and can cause blood pressure spikes. 
According to The American Heart Association, it is not recommended to consume more than 355ml per week. If you must, keep it to the ‘diet’ versions which don’t contain sugar. They might not taste as nice but they could save your life.

Avoid – Energy Drinks

The major difference between energy drinks and your occasional soda is that these contain caffeine. Caffeine is known to cause a brief but intense increase in blood pressure, spiking your energy levels. Now, consider how these energy drinks have sugar and caffeine together in one can. 
Drinking caffeine-added drinks spikes the caffeine effect for around three to six hours, making it hard to sleep in the evenings. It’s better to have a cup of coffee if you can – and withhold the sugar!

Avoid – Sauce

Hear us out on this one. Condiments like mayonnaise, gravy, ketchup, and salad dressing are high in sodium and raise your blood pressure. Consider the danger of hot sauce which has 2,643 mg of sodium per 100 grams – even a few drops are deadly.

Oyster sauce has 200 mg per gram, and even mustard has 300 mg of sodium per gram. If you can’t live without your spice, consider changing to chili flakes at your next meal, or none at all.

Avoid – Pizza

We’re surprised we haven’t scared you away from this article yet! That’s right: everyone’s favorite meal is high in sodium and fat – hardly surprising when you consider its ingredients. Even a normal pizza is full of salty cheese, fatty bread, and sodium-ridden tomato puree.

Usually, everything that’s bad for you is on a pizza – which is what makes it so delicious. We all deserve a cheat meal once in a while, but remember the damage this can do if you eat too much!

Avoid – Red Meat

Of course, red meat is good for you in small doses due to the proteins it provides. However, be mindful that red meat contains high levels of saturated fat that could clog your arteries. If you don’t want to stop eating red meat, that’s fine – but be sure to limit it to once a week.
Alternatives to red meat can include fish, chicken, or even tofu. We’re not saying you should go fully-blown vegan, but your arteries will thank you for it.

Avoid – Processed Meat

This involves all your favorite meat: sausages, hot dogs, smoked meats, salamis, or anything that’s been processed. You might ask why: it’s our good old friend, sodium, of course! These particular dishes also have lots of saturated fats and preservatives to keep the products long lasting.

None of this is good for you, so consider changing your diet to accommodate your veins. Eating might not be fun from now on, but at least you’ll be healthy and that has to count for something?  

Avoid – Ready-to-eat Noodles

College kids everywhere will be disappointed to know that those instant noodles we all lived on contain deadly amounts of sodium. Ok, so maybe not deadly – but 1,580mg of sodium is enough to watch out for it.
This is already more than the amount you should have in an entire day – so one meal will set your health back badly. It may be tempting to save a buck and indulge in these treats, but the health consequences can be tragic.

Avoid – Alcohol

Are you so depressed by this list that you want to drink your troubles away? Well, not so fast! Alcohol intake can lead to incredibly high levels of blood pressure. This is due to vasoconstriction, meaning the vessels get tightened when alcohol is consumed. 
This makes the blood pump with more pressure in the arteries, leading to terrible results. What’s more, there’s also high amounts of sugar that can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure in its own right.  

Avoid – Bacon

We’re surprised you haven’t given up on us. We’ve already ruined candy, pizza, and alcohol – now here comes the big one: Bacon. Of course, bacon is delicious which means it must contain high levels of sodiums and fats.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database, consuming only three slices of bacon is the same as 576 mg of sodium. You might want to curb this breakfast habit which might be the brightest part of your day.  

Avoid – Pickles

Pickles are generally stored in jars with pickle juice. These juices are, naturally, made with salts meaning these yummy green sticks might do more damage than good. Since they’ve been sitting in the jar for weeks, maybe months, you can’t just rise these suckers dry – they’ve already absorbed enough salt to kill you.

Next time, it’s best to eat your pickles unpickled – we call them cucumbers. The chances are you either love these pickles or hate them – if you hate them then you’re in the clear!  

Avoid – Coffee

Similar to the threat from energy drinks, coffee contains high levels of caffeine which can have bad effects on people with high blood pressure.
Thankfully, it won’t have too much of a negative effect on people with low blood pressure, although you might get the shakes if you have too much at once. It’s better to limit your coffee (and caffeine) intake to just one or two in the morning and avoid it after lunch. Or, you can always go decaf!

Avoid – Butter and Margarine

I can’t believe it’s not good for you! You might love spreading these on your sandwiches, but they can have huge consequences on your blood pressure. Butter and margarine contain large amounts of fat that can clog your arteries, forcing your heart to pump faster.
When more pressure is applied to your heart, it raises the risk of heart attacks and disease. Of course it’s delicious, but you might want to reduce your intake.

Avoid – Ready-to-eat Soup

If you’re going to enjoy a Campbell’s soup, you better make sure it’s in painting form only! These (and plenty of other brands) contain large amounts of, yeah you guessed it, sodium. Only one tin can have 800 mg of sodium – which is more than your recommended daily intake.
They might appeal to the lazy chef who doesn’t want to cook one night, but these can have terrible effects on your body. It’s best to avoid them and stick to healthier, fresher, options.

Avoid – Popcorn
You might hear in some places that popcorn can be a relatively healthy snack. If you’re surprised to see it on this list, then you might not be thinking about all the added salt, sugar, butter, and cream dropped on top of each portion.
If you want it to remain a healthy snack, avoid all the salt and any other delicious toppings you might enjoy. Even then, it still has a lot of carbs – so it might be better to stick with carrot sticks in the future.

Avoid – Canned Beans

These snacks are full of sodium and preservatives – known to increase blood pressure. If you eat these at meals, be sure to wash them under water to remove some of the salts attached. Generally, it is better to avoid these dishes in their entirety.
They can be bad for you in the long term and contribute to heart attacks in the future. That, and they can cause embarrassing gas, too! Next time, make sure to buy them fresh and enjoy the taste even more.

Avoid – Fried Food

The Institute of Public and Preventive Health at Georgia Health Sciences University states that fried foods can contribute to raised blood pressure. Predictably, it’s caused by the increase in sodium and saturated fats absorbed by the yummy food.
So you might want to think twice about eating fried foods, such as fried meats to fried doughnuts. You might not like the sound of this now, but your future self will thank you when you don’t contract diabetes at 50.

Avoid – Whole Milk

Whole milk is usually reserved for cooking doughs and creams. Unfortunately, it carries a lot of saturated fats that aren’t good for us. It’s better to replace whole milk with skimmed or semi-skimmed, especially if you frequently consume the dairy product.
You can also consider omitting it entirely, like drinking your tea or coffee black. If you’re like this writer who consumes dozens of cups of tea a day, then bypassing milk can be a great way to restrict the intake. But you might want to start with changing to skimmed!

Avoid – French Fries

You can blame a study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health for ruining your love of fries. They found that frequent consumption led to high blood pressure due to the way they are cooked.

Avoid – Sauerkraut

Yes, this type of vegetable might be one of your favorites, but that’s because of the relatively high amounts of sodium found in it. An average portion has 460 mg of sodium which is already a third of your recommended allowance.
Sauerkraut is a popular addition to salads or hot dogs, but you might want to curb it next time you eat out. Try replacing it with cabbage or lettuce, two items far more healthy. It might not taste as nice, but your veins will thank you later on!

Avoid – Pretzels

These popular bar snacks may look harmless but are unhealthy in a myriad of ways. First, they are made with white flour which turns from a carb to sugars when cooked. What’s more, pretzels are later deep fried, which absorb all the fats found in the oil.
Then, they’re usually sprinkled with salt! This means that each portion contains an absurd amount of fats, carbs, salts, and sodium. Just 10 pretzels are more than your recommended daily intake.

Avoid – Baked Goods

It’s a sad day when you must acknowledge that all your favorite baked goods are bad for you. It’s no surprise: they contain high amounts of carbs, sugars, fats, and white flours – all recipes for high blood pressure.
Next time you have a breakfast croissant or eat your mother’s banana bread, consider the effect it will have on your health in the long run. We recommend sticking to a sandwich if you need bread in your diet – which this writer definitely does!

Avoid – Refined Sugar

You might want to get used to avoiding sugar – it could save your life. Refined sugar causes high blood pressure, as well as weight gain, diabetes, and bad skin. It’s fine to have some sugar in your diet occasionally, but it can be deadly if consumed too frequently. 
It’s also incredibly addictive, so watch out next time you make a hot drink! Try replacing it with artificial sweetener, or have nothing at all. It might take a few days to get used to it but you’ll start feeling better almost immediately.

Avoid – Canned Vegetables

These convenient snacks contain a lot more salt than you think. This is caused by the preservatives that are stored alongside your favorite carrot our corn that has been tinned up. The added salts are absorbed by the vegetable making them far less healthy than the fresh counterparts.

For example, just one can of jalapeno peppers has a whopping 1,671 mg of sodium. You might want to think twice and stick with organic or fresh items bought from the store.

Avoid – Chicken Skin

If you suffer from high blood pressure, you’re going to want to avoid chicken skin. It’s true: the taste and smell are amazing, but that’s because of the amount of fats and salts caught in it!
When preparing a chicken, use the skin to help absorb the unhealthy aspects of the meal – the tasty parts – and then eat the meat without the skin. It might not taste as nice, but you’ll benefit from the protein and an overall healthier lifestyle.

Avoid – Doughnuts

Even though they’re tasty and look nice, this is a pastry treat you’re going to want to avoid. Each doughnut has at least 300 calories from the carbs alone! These carbs transform into sugar, and they also have trans fats, which can clog arteries and affect blood flow.
These two ingredients alone raise blood pressure immensely – so it’s best just to avoid them! Sorry, Homer Simpson fans, you’re going to have to sit this snack out!

Avoid – Frozen Meals

It’s so easy to pick up a quick frozen meal from our supermarkets and cook them in a matter of minutes. They’re cheap, convenient, but also deadly. Frozen meals – like pizza – have large amounts of sodium and salt.
If consumed regularly, you run the risk of raising your blood pressure. It’s generally better to avoid frozen foods entirely – why would you want to eat something made two years ago?

Avoid – Table Salt

You might want to think twice next time you sprinkle some salt over your meal. Every day, the average American eats 3,400 milligrams of sodium. Amazingly, this is more than double the amount suggested in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
This is because so much of our food already has salt and sodium engrained (no pun intended) into its ingredients. Make sure to curb the salt habit – trust us, you already have enough.

Avoid – Chinese Take Out

Yep, we get it. Sometimes it’s easy to roll out of bed with a hangover and tap your phone for some Chinese food. The truth is, it might be doing you more damage than you thought.  
A normal box of noodles contains a minimum of 2,700 mg of sodium per serving – and we bet you eat the whole thing. It’s not just the noodles to stay away from either: their chicken with black bean sauce has 3,800 mg of sodium.

Avoid – Cigarettes

We’re sure you don’t need to be told about the health risks of smoking cigarettes. As well as the effect it has on your diet, sleep, skin, and lungs, it also does terrible things to your blood pressure.
Each cigarette contracts the blood vessels, making it harder for oxygen to circulate around the body. This can cause heart attacks and might explain why smokers have grey skin and blue lips. Put it down!

Avoid – Chicken Nuggets

We might have loved them growing up, but now they might not be worth the risk! Chicken nuggets are highly processed foods that contain sodium. One or two every so often is ok, but you don’t want to make a habit of eating them!
If you have young children, you might know how it’s hard to get them to eat anything else! It’s ok in young children, for a while, but eventually, you’ll want to eat something a bit more healthy!

Avoid – Rice

Did you know that rice is the most eaten food in the world? You might think that this makes it healthy, but beware! Too much rice and have a sneaky impact on your blood pressure that you weren’t aware of.
Too much rice can add salts, sugars, and carbs to your diet that can affect your blood pressure. It’s ok to have a bit every now and then, but try to keep it under control.

Avoid – Peanut Butter

Peanut butter doesn’t contain much sodium but it is full of sugar and saturated fat, which can clog arteries and cause heart attacks. When arteries are clogged with fat, the heart becomes overworked and has to pump harder to circulate the blood around the body.
Regardless of whether you eat crunchy or smooth, the chances are you’re doing damage either way. Best to stick with a sugar and fat-free option next time! 

Superfoods to reduce blood pressure

More – Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that can have wonderful effects on your blood pressure. Three different studies have shown that cinnamon reduced short-term systolic blood pressure – but admittedly more research is needed. 
You can incorporate cinnamon into your diet by sprinkling it over your oatmeal in the morning. It’s generally considered a great alternative to sugar and can have great effects on your blood pressure.

More – Dark Chocolate

That’s right, dark chocolate is good for you! In small doses, of course. One study from 2015 found that consuming dark chocolate helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This particular chocolate has more than 60% cocoa solids and less sugar than milk or white chocolate. 

It can be eaten as a quick snack or dipped into yogurt. Maybe melt some and dip strawberries into it? A great snack to reduce your blood pressure!

More – Natural Yogurt

If oatmeal isn’t your thing, you can always rely on yogurt to help reduce your blood pressure. According to The America Heart Association, middle-aged women who eat natural yogurt show a 20% reduction in the risk of hypertension.
You can always add things like fruit, nuts, or cinnamon to your portion – but be wary not to add sugar! Unsweetened options, such as Greek yogurts, will have a better effect than the sugary counterparts.

More – Apricots

Apricots can help you slash your blood pressure and lower your chances of chronic disease in the future. You can use apricots in salads, desserts, or even as a snack!
They contain high levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene which are both great for overall health and blood pressure. Apricots also have a large amount of fiber in them – making them a superfood all around! If you don’t already, try adding some of these to your diet.

More – Kale

We’re not just advocating this because Beyonce said so – although it does help! Kale is definitely considered a superfood: you can’t go far without seeing young people everywhere eating the fashionable food. 
There’s a good reason for it: kale is among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! As well as a myriad of vitamins, it also contains antioxidants and can help lower cholesterol. If you’re not on the kale train, come aboard!

More – Spinach

Spinach is one of the leafy greens previously mentioned that can have an amazing effect on your blood pressure. There’s a good reason Popeye always had a can nearby!
Spinach is practically a superfood. It’s full of enzymes and compounds that help lower blood pressure, improve oxygen levels in the blood, and repair your skin. It is best to eat spinach raw, but don’t be afraid to steam it for more taste!

More – Oranges

Many of us know that oranges are a great source of vitamin C and can help us battle even the toughest of colds. However, not everyone knows that oranges also contain high levels of soluble fiber called pectin.
Pectin helps absorb cholesterol in foods, meaning it can free up your blood vessels. If you eat oranges regularly, you can see your blood pressure lower over time and improve your circulation.

More – Pink Grapefruit

Grapefruits might be an acquired taste for some, but they’re a fantastic way to start the day. They are full of vitamin C and can lower your blood pressure in no time!
Pink grapefruits are a strong source of lycopene, something that multiple studies have considered effective at decreasing blood pressure. Have one each morning and watch your blood pressure – and waist – reduce in no time.

More – Kiwis

If you have raised blood pressure, kiwis are a great way to reduce it. According to scientists, eating three kiwis a day for 8 weeks is better than eating an apple a day in terms of blood pressure.
This might be tricky to include into your diet at first, but consider putting it in your morning oatmeal! Kiwis are also rich in vitamin C and can improve blood pressure with the addition of vital nutrients.
 More – Wine
At last: our prayers have been answered! Red wine might be the perfect way to relax for some, but for others, it can be literally lifesaving. According to some scientists, a little red wine in moderation can help boost your HDL levels and unclog cholesterol.
Next time you’re feeling bloated (or tired, or bored, or you’re just awake in general), open up a bottle of wine and take a few sips. It is known to improve blood pressure.

More – Almonds

Similar to our friend the pistachio, almonds are another nut that can help us reduce our blood pressure. They are full of nutrients that help us lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Better yet, almonds also help us boost our memory and reduce the chance of cardiovascular problems later in life. They’re a perfect snack so get going today! It’s never too hard to keep a few on your desk at work.

More – Chia Seeds

These special seeds can make for a great smoothie or fruit topper as a way to monitor your heart pressure. They contain plenty of antioxidants, protein, fiber, and omega 3s.
The best part of these seeds is that Chia is a low-calorie and natural way to reduce your cholesterol. Next time you make a smoothie, consider dropping a few of these into the blender. 

More – Flaxseed

It’s easy to stir some flaxseed into your favorite smoothie or morning oatmeal. Just this small step can have a huge impact on your blood pressure. Generally, seeds are very good for you, but it’s flaxseed that takes the cake.
Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber and also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Generally, they improve blood flow and help transport more oxygen around the body. Pick up a bag today!
 More – Avocado
Ask anyone under the age of 30 and they’ll tell you: avocados are the best superfood out there. Whether it’s in a salad, on a piece of toast, or mashed into guacamole, most young people can’t live without it.
There’s a good reason, too. Avocados are full of potassium, antioxidants, and monounsaturated fats making them the perfect addition to your diet. Millennials will tell you they can’t pay rent – and it’s because they’re stocking up on these beauties.

More – Eggplant

These shining, purple veggies are great on the grill, baked, or as a foundation for almost any dish. They are also full of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, nasunin, and flavonoids.
This means these sweet superstars can help enhance circulation, decrease cholesterol, reduce heart disease and stop blood clots. They are also excellent ‘brain food’ and can help stop cell membranes from damage and prevent cancer.

More – Figs

Figs are perhaps one of the most underrated snacks – often secondary to dates or raisins. These fruits are full of calcium and fiber, helping grow your heart and make it nice and strong! Enough figs in your diet can actually reduce the effects of heart disease.
Next time you go to get some fruits, consider adding figs into your diet. They definitely don’t get enough love so time to represent the fig life!

More – Strawberries

Strawberries are just one of the berries we mentioned earlier, but we’re reiterating it for good reason! Researchers at the University of Alberta found that a specific pigment found in strawberries can lower blood pressure.
They tested their hypothesis on mice and rats and found that strawberries were effective at preventing hypertension. Make sure to add them to some dark chocolate!

More – Hummus

This Middle Eastern dipping sauce is great for your blood pressure. Hummus is made with chickpeas, a proven remedy to help reduce hypertension in your circulation.
Next time you fancy a snack, replace your candy with carrot sticks and swap your sugary salsa with hummus. It’s not just an exotic food to try, it’s also delicious and incredibly addictive (in a good way!)

More – Lima Beans

Beans are a wonderful thing to add to your diet – just make sure they’re not canned! As we’ve already mentioned, canned beans can raise blood pressure. However, natural lima beans can reduce it.

One of the main benefits of lima beans is how they keep you full for a long time. Even though they might not be too appealing, only a handful of these will keep you from reaching for more sugary or salty snacks soon after you eat.

More: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a great thing to add to any salad to help your blood pressure. They have a lot of vitamin C and are a rich source of lycopene. According to Ben-Gurion University in Israel, the chemical vastly reduces blood pressure.
Just be sure to get your tomato intake from, you know, actual tomatoes! Replacements like puree or ketchup contain a lot of sugars and salts, and might just be bad for you!

More – Carrots

This bunny food is a perfect way to combat high blood pressure. Carrots have high levels of beta-carotene and vitamin C, putting your blood pressure back in a safe region.
Carrots are also great for your skin, eyesight, and teeth – making them great all round! It’s easy to snack on a few carrot sticks instead of crisps or candy- so get going!

More – Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that can have wonderful effects on your blood pressure. Three different studies have shown that cinnamon reduced short-term systolic blood pressure – but admittedly more research is needed. 
You can incorporate cinnamon into your diet by sprinkling it over your oatmeal in the morning. It’s generally considered a great alternative to sugar and can have great effects on your blood pressure.

More – Bananas

Since potassium is a great way to filter sodium out your body, bananas are a great addition to your diet. Eating these fruits are better than taking supplements and can easily be incorporated into your diet. 
You can cut one up into your oatmeal or simply have one as an after lunch snack. They do a great job at counteracting some of the more dangerous foods in your diet that contain high levels of sodium through high amounts of potassium.  

More – Pomegranates

Pomegranates can be enjoyed on their own or as a juice. Just one cup of pomegranate juice a day can lower your blood pressure in four weeks. It’s best enjoyed with breakfast (remember your berry oatmeal!).
Be mindful of some of the sugar contents – even though it’s natural sugar it might not work with your diet. Next time you’re choosing what juice to drink each morning, consider pomegranate for your breakfast!

More – Onions

They might not be good for your breath, but onions are can be wonderful for blood pressure. One study from the British Journal of Nutrition found that onions were great for those suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension.
If onions are a bit too strong for you, consider sauteing them in olive oil before you cook them. This also wraps them in healthy fats! 

More – Watermelon

Not only does watermelon keep you hydrated, but it also contains an amino acid called citrulline, which can manage high blood pressure. Citrulline helps the body produce nitric oxide, the same gas found in garlic that relaxes blood vessels – reducing blood pressure.
People that drink watermelon juice have roughly 50% less plaque in their arteries than those who don’t. It might be tricky to eat this consistently due to its seasonal nature, but never pass up the opportunity to have some!

More – Eggs

Eggs have garnered a troubled reputation because of the effect they can have on your cholesterol. However, these protein power foods can have a positive effect on your blood pressure and overall diet if consumed in a healthy way.
Make sure you don’t cover your eggs with any unhealthy condiments or extra fatty foods. If you eat eggs in a healthy and controlled way, you can watch them lower your blood pressure and promote weight loss.

More – Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great example of ‘healthy fats’ that can reduce blood pressure. It has compounds that fight inflammation – a leading cause of high blood pressure. According to the DASH diet, it can help you reach your goal of healthy fats each day with just one portion. 
It’s best enjoyed as a salad dressing – make sure to through a few chili flakes to add to the flavor! You can also use it as a replacement to canola oil or butter.

More – Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are a great addition to a salad if you want to watch your blood pressure. Not only are they a great source of vitamin C, but they also help with hypertension in the veins.
Different color peppers have slightly different tastes, so make sure to find which ones you like most. This writer has a soft spot for yellow and orange peppers – and avoids green ones at all costs!

More – Oatmeal

This is the perfect breakfast food: oatmeal is high-fiber, low-fat, low-sodium, and delicious way to reduce your blood pressure. It’s a great fuel to keep you going throughout the day and can be the base for berries – also a great food!
Oatmeal can help you make cereals, granolas, and dishes to keep you full-up for a long time, also reducing snacking. This can also help you lose weight. Try some oatmeal each morning!

More – Mango

It’s possible to treat yourself to a sweet dessert every so often – and what better to eat than a mango? As well as the sweet and juicy tastes you experience with each bite, this fruit is actually great for blood pressure, too.
They’re a great source of fiber and beta-carotene, both of which have been proven to lower blood pressure. If you don’t like eating them raw, try putting them in a freezer overnight and turn it into a sorbet. 

More – Berries

Berries, particularly blueberries, are full of natural antioxidants and compounds called flavonoids. This has been proven to reduce hypertension and can lower your blood pressure. It’s fairly easy to add a few berries to your day-to-day diet.
Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries can all be eaten as a snack or added to granola in your mornings. The sweet snacks can improve your mood and health – with very few drawbacks.

More – Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be considered a ‘superfood’ due to all the benefits they bring when consumed as part of a healthy diet. One of the biggest reasons that they are good for blood pressure is the amount of potassium they contain.
Even a slight increase in potassium in your diet can have life-changing effects on your health. It’s easy to bake some potatoes and have them as a side dish for your next meal. They are also great for salads!

More – Leafy Greens

Potassium can help your kidneys get rid of sodium – something that highly contributes to high blood pressure. This is found in leafy greens, such as lettuce or arugula.
Next time, consider adding some fresh greens into your meals – and watch your blood pressure lower! You may have resented your parents when they forced you to eat your greens, but you’ll thank them now! 

More – Omega-3s

Fish are a great source of lean protein and omega-3s. Fish with good fats, such as salmon or mackerel contain high amounts of acids which reduce blood pressure. They also have vitamin D – which few foods contain.

Preparing fish can be a quick and easy meal – simply bake or fry a fillet of salmon or mackerel for a few minutes in the oven. Or better yet, eat it in sushi, which is one of the most popular foods. 

More – Sprinkles of Seeds

Unsalted seeds such as flax, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds can have wonderful effects on your blood pressure. You can easily add them to oatmeal or yogurt each day and watch your blood pressure lower.
This is because seeds are an essential source of minerals such as magnesium. Magnesium helps relax your blood vessels, and in turn, your pressure.

More – Hibiscus Tea

If you’re lucky enough to have a Hibiscus tree in your garden, you’ll want to pick a few flowers and brew yourself a nice pot of tea! It turns out that Hibiscus is a good source of organic acids.
These acids are good for the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure and making sure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t have a Hibiscus plant, you can always buy in the store.

More – Apples

It’s true what they say – an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apples contain a flavonol called quercetin. This is also found in other foods, like onions, citrus, broccoli, and beets.
One study shows that participants that a positive reaction to incorporating quercetin into their diet compared to those taking a placebo. If you have high blood pressure, consider eating an apple at lunch!

More – Beetroots

Many studies have shown that drinking beetroot juice can help your blood pressure in only a few hours! You can make it a cocktail: two parts beetroot and one part apple juice to improve the taste.
When it comes to eating beets, men will see a greater benefit than women. Beets contain high levels of potassium, which can reduce blood pressure. Make sure to have a few glasses of this a week and watch your blood pressure return to normal!

More – Garlic

Vampires, beware! Garlic can reduce hypertension by raising the amount of nitric oxide in the body. This increases the widening of arteries and thus reduces blood pressure. 
 Including garlic and other herbs into your diet isn’t just healthy, it’s delicious! Try sprinkling other herbs over your fish, such as basil, cinnamon, thyme, and rosemary. But be sure to brush your teeth after!

More – Lentils

Lentils and other pulses are great ways to get protein and fiber into your diet. Pulses such as beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas can decrease your blood pressure by expanding the blood vessels in your body.
In fact, one study in 2014 showed a 30% decrease when studied in rats. Lentils are also pretty versatile – you can use them as a replacement to minced beef and add them to soups. 

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