Monday, September 30, 2019

Fitness trackers more accurate in predicting patient health outcomes

Researchers found that fitness trackers can better estimate exercise capacity and determine the health status of patients, rather than the cliche 6-minute walk distance test doctors opt for.

Researchers said the test results are another example in how wearable and monitoring devices like Fitbits and Apple watches can be used in patient care to improve outcomes.

For patients, this means we can track their progress more frequently in a manner that's less expensive and more convenient than current standarised testing, said the lead researcher.

The 6 minute walk distance is an important, objective standard used to assess exercise capacity. Patients walk for 6 minutes and then based on how many meters they cover in that time, physicians can predict outcomes and mortality for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases.

Normally, the 6 WMD test is done every few months or once a year. Now, we may be able to measure patients on a regular basis and know if we need to intervene if their estimated 6 WMD by step count changes, said the Dr.

In the study, researchers conducted a 12-week, blinded, randomised, cross-over trial with 52 patients, a group that included adults with a history of respiratory problems during periods of elevated air pollution. Wrist step counters tracked patient steps for those 12 weeks, and patients also filled out respiratory symptoms questionnaires.

Researchers found they could effectively estimate a patient's 6WMD results by using step counters, instead of having patients come in a clinical setting to do the 6WMD test.

Instead of having one measurements every few months, you could have weekly measurements, and have information at disease progression at more frequent intervals. This is a significant improvement and enhanced convenience for our patients, said the Dr.

The implications? Using wrist step counters will allow physicians to track how their patients are doing, the progression of the disease and whether a patient requires immediate intervention.

Being able to distill step counts into this clinically important metric is a first step in being able to think about how to use step counters in order to better manage health and detect deterioration earlier, added the Dr.

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