Sunday, June 16, 2019

Stress & Anxiety - Ways To Deal With Them!

Fear, anxiety and stress can often lead humans to either escape the situation or fight it by defending themselves. But there are other behaviours that humans turn to when they are under stress. This is not unnatural at all; we all face it at some point in time. What’s more, even dogs revert to the four F's when under stress. Let us find out what are they and also how to deal with them. 
  1. Fight - Fighting back is the natural reaction, which we turn to when we want to defend ourselves. Shouting at someone might give you some confidence for the time being. But again, it is not a permanent solution. We might end up apologizing for our behaviour later but do nothing to address the situation that brought about that kind of behaviour.
  2. Flight - This is the escape mode that we turn to when we want to avoid a certain person or scenario, that might lead to stress. However, it must be remembered that fleeing stress will help in fixing it temporarily. But since the situation remains unchanged, it will keep happening again.
  3. Freeze - For some people, the shock is so overwhelming that it becomes difficult for them to react at all. They simply freeze. The person goes into the panic mode and fails to move or say anything.
  4. Fool around - This option does not seem to be a very bad idea in times of stress and anxiety depending on exactly what you mean by fooling around. If you can crack a joke at a tensed situation and lighten the mood, it helps immensely. However, if your idea of fooling around is to avoid talking about the situation and instead have fun, talk about other silly things, then it might not be a good idea.
Dealing with stress is not easy, but if you have realized the cause for your stress, your problem is half solved. If it is something you can change, then start working on it. If not, then it is best to let things happen in their own sweet way, while you change your attitude towards it. If you have realized what kind of behaviour you turn to when under stress, it is easier to face the situation. Listen to some of your favourite music, wear clothes that make you feel good and think about the situation and the possible solution later.

"Don’t let stress get to you, face situations, keep calm and be positive!"

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://                                                                      FOR CROCHET DESIGNS                                                                                                                                                                           

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