Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Various ways to use Cinnamon for weight loss

Have you tried Cinnamon for weight loss before? If not then there are several reasons why should do it now.
What if I told you Cinnamon will not only help you to lose weight but also balance your body’s Vata, Pitta and Kapha according to ayurvedic studies.. yes that’s true!

Cinnamon in India is also known as Dalchini. In India ayurvedic doctors and even allopathy doctors these days advise Cinnamon Powder and whole cinnamon for weight loss.
While burning the unwanted fats in your body, it also plays a significant role in balancing the sugar levels and boosting the metabolism.
The boost in metabolism derived from Cinnamon consumption accelerates the Fat burning process.
The major cause of Obesity or unwanted weight is Inflammation of Fat cells. The standard diet in today’s date is highly inflammable.
Therefore it becomes important to include anti-inflammatory fat burning foods and drinks in your daily diet.
Cinnamon is the answer to the obesity
While burning fat through cinnamon is a good choice, let’s take a quick look at 16 ways you can implement Cinnamon in your daily diet for losing weight.

Cinnamon tea for weight Loss

Do you have a habit of consuming bed Tea? This is the right time to replace it with cinnamon tea.
Early morning tea in empty stomach increases acidity and disrupts the immune system. Instead of consuming normal conventional tea replace it with cinnamon tea.
Cinnamon tea in empty stomach flushes out free radicals, reduces inflammation and activates the Liver, heart, Lungs and kidney functions.
With all the above features and health benefits you may ask…
Is Cinnamon Tea good for weight loss?
The antioxidants and fat burning properties in cinnamon Tea makes it the best choice. Even green tea is acidic and some doctors don’t recommend it.
Having said that Cinnamon works on all the internal body parts. It stimulates the liver function and flushes out toxins and cleanses blood.
Clean blood reduces inflammation of fat cells thereby reducing the body weight.
Cinnamon tea is best for weight loss and fighting obesity when used wisely.
So now the question is…
How to make Cinnamon Tea for weight loss?
You can make cinnamon tea in 3 easy steps.
  • Take a glass of water in a Pan and heat it
  • Add Cinnamon Stick and let it boil
  • Make sure the color of water changes to reddish brown
  • Strain it and have it without sugar. (Adding honey will destroy the benefits of Honey as the tea is hot).

Cinnamon Powder for weight loss

Cinnamon powder for weight loss
Just like whole stick cinnamon gives benefit in its own way the powder is also equally beneficial.
There are tons of ways to use Cinnamon powder for weight loss and to reap other health benefits.
The simplest way to use cinnamon powder is by mixing it to a glass of Luke warm water and drink it empty stomach every morning.
So let’s learn…
How to make Cinnamon water for weight loss?
Make Cinnamon water in three easy steps.
  • Pour a glass of water in a pan and boil it.
  • Once the water is mildly boiled add cinnamon powder to it and mix it well.
  • Drink it while it’s warm.
The second method is overnight Soaking.
  • Take a glass of warm water and mix it with Cinnamon and store it overnight.
  • Drink it in empty stomach every morning.
I personally prefer the boiled cinnamon water technique as it gives result much faster.
Note: While having Cinnamon water do not add any sugar or Honey if you are diabetic.
When Using Cinnamon powder for weight loss question arises…
Is Cinnamon powder good for health?
Cinnamon Powder can do wonders for you provided you have it in right dosage.
Drink Cinnamon water twice a day to stay healthy and control your weight. You can use Cinnamon powder in many ways and combination.
Combination such as cinnamon water with honey is very common. Take half teaspoon Cinnamon and half teaspoon honey mix it with Luke warm water and have it first thing in the morning.
Having said that consistency is the key…
If you drink this combination one day it won’t give you results. Since we want a sustainable weight loss program you need to make cinnamon water a habit.
If you don’t like to have one drink daily then you can try various combinations.
I have listed many combinations below.

Sprinkling Cinnamon Powder on foods and Juices for weight loss

Sprinkle cinnamon powder for weight loss
Do you like to drink a glass of fresh juice or Milk? If yes then make it even healthier by sprinkling Cinnamon Powder.
Make sure the powder that you sprinkle is very fine. Make it a habit of including it in your Lunch or dinner.
Enjoy the normal Dal and rice by mildly sprinkling the powder over it.
While doing so don’t sprinkle the powder when your curry or Dal is extremely hot. Let the curry or any other food items cool down a bit and then add cinnamon powder on it.
This powder becomes potent when you consume it with zero oil dishes as Zero oil food does not have any added triglycerides or Cholesterol.
So if you like dal and rice then go for Zero Oil Dal followed by sprinkling dalchini powder on it.
I have personally found Cinnamon powder to work much faster when used in fruit juices or even better vegetable smoothies.
One such simple combination is Cinnamon powder and Spinach juice.
  • Take fresh Spinach and carrots, put it in a juicer.
  • Extract the juice and add half teaspoon Cinnamon powder.
  • Have it during breakfast.
One thing you need to remember is that you need to exclude tea and coffee from your diet when doing this.
It will give you faster results as tea and coffee makes it harder to detoxify the liver.
Note: Adding Sugar to it will ruin the whole process, so sugar is a big no no.

Cinnamon and honey for weight loss

Cinnamon powder and honey for weight loss
This is the most common combination you will ever see that everyone talks about.
Go to any dietician and this is the first thing that every dieticians will recommend you to include in your diet.
This combination has become popular because many doctors and dieticians have realized the potency of Cinnamon and honey for weight loss.
You will be surprised to hear that this is not a modern day technique to lose weight. This combination is being used since ancient times in countries like India.
Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey have been studied by many Ayurvedic and Modern day doctors.
The fact that it helps in burning fat has been proved scientifically. Many scientific studies and evidences prove that it flushes out toxins from the liver and does a perfect job of assimilating stubborn fat from your body

Cinnamon and honey not only helps you to lose weight but recent studies also show that it plays a significant role in reversing  Coronary Artery Disease.
Have this drink for 60 days and do the cholesterol check, you will be amazed with the results.
So the question is…
How to make Cinnamon water and Honey for weight loss?
Make this amazing drink in 3 simple steps.
  • Take half tea spoon finely grind ed Cinnamon powder.
  • A glass of boiled water, it should be warm and at the same time it should be drinkable.
  • Mix half teaspoon honey.
Drink this water twice a day (Empty Stomach every morning and two hours after dinner before going to bed.)

Cinnamon and lemon for weight loss

Cinnamon and Lemon for weight loss
Cinnamon when mixed with lemon literally becomes a medicine.
Yes that’s true it becomes an ayurvedic medicine to treat multiple ailments related to obesity.
In fact it reduces the overall body weight by cleansing your liver and reducing your cholesterol levels.
In Ayurveda ancient doctors frequently prescribed Cinnamon and Lemon for weight loss. There are two ways to make this fat cutter drink.
1.) Cinnamon Tea mixed with lemon
Take a cinnamon Stick and boil it until the water turns brownish. Let it cool down, add few drops of lemon Juice and replace this with the regular tea.
Try this for next 21 days and see the benefits
2.) Cinnamon Powder with Lemon Juice.
To make this drink you need not boil the water. Instead you can make this drink in 2 easy steps.
  • Take a glass of Luke warm water
  • Add half tea spoon Cinnamon Powder and one teaspoon lime juice, mix it well.
  • Have it twice a day.
While this drink is very beneficial, overdose may have some side effects such as lose motion and nausea so please don’t exceed the dosage.
Use cinnamon for weight loss wisely by avoiding overdose, ideal dose is half tea spoon per session.
Have patience and be disciplined with this approach, result is almost guaranteed provided you are not suffering from critical illness.

Cinnamon powder and Skimmed milk for reducing weight

Cinnamon milk for weight loss
Surprised that milk is included in this list? Well let me tell you Skimmed milk is low on Bad fats.
Majority of the work is done by Cinnamon and milk has very few role to play except the high calcium levels and proteins that it provides.
Kids and adults both don’t like the taste of standard milk, however when the milk is boiled with Cinnamon Powder and Cardamom, the taste and aroma becomes awesome.
Skimmed Milk and cinnamon for weight loss is an ancient remedy which was used way before the modern day doctors discovered the benefits of cinnamon.
Just in case you want to make skimmed Cinnamon milk at home then this is what you need to do.
Step 1: Buy Skimmed milk or make skimmed milk at home.
This is how you make skimmed cinnamon milk at home.
  • Take two glasses of cow milk (Don’t use buffalo milk as it’s very high on fat).
  • Boil the milk until it starts rising in the Pan.
  • Let the milk cool down.
  • Remove the top layer that is thick (You may apply this on your face to get extra glow).
  • Boil it again and repeat the same steps as above.
  • Boil it once again and do the same again.
  • Your Skimmed Milk is ready.
Step 2: Boil the Skimmed Milk with Cinnamon Powder or Stick.
Step 3: Add honey for sweetness (Avoid if you are diabetic).
For flavor you can add one cardamom.
Have this drink in morning during breakfast by replacing the regular tea.
Tip: If you are used to taking Milk before bed then try this combination.
During bed time boil the skimmed milk with Cinnamon, cardamom and Turmeric. For sweetness you can add honey, avoid honey if you are diabetic.
Avoid Milk if you have any heart ailments. Instead of milk simply use water to reverse Coronary arterial disease.

Cinnamon stick for weight loss

Cinnamon stick for weight loss
Cinnamon sticks can be used in many ways to help you lose weight. Here are some best knows ways to implement Cinnamon stick in your diet.
  • Consume Cinnamon tea made with whole cinnamon stick.
  • Boiled Skim milk with whole cinnamon stick.
  • Include cinnamon Stick while making Dal or Soups.
  • Make Rava upma by adding Cinnamon sticks in it.
  • While cooking vegetables, simply add Cinnamon stick to enhance the taste and improve your health.
With all the benefits of cinnamon in place people repeatedly ask me
Can Cinnamon burn belly fat?
The answer is Yes and no, there are no magic supplement or medicine specially meant to burn fat from your belly.
Having said that Cinnamon improves the metabolism thereby playing a supporting role to burn belly fat.
In order to burn belly fat whole body needs to be worked upon. Yes that’s right our body functions in a very funny way.
While burning fat belly is the last place from where the fat is burnt.
While gaining weight belly is the first place where stubborn fat accumulates.
While we all know cinnamon can do the trick when it comes to burning fat from your body, you should no overdo or over consume it…
What happens when you eat too much Cinnamon?
Too much cinnamon can lead to Nausea, uneasiness, Depression, breathing issues, Toxicity in liver, increased heart rate and sleep issues.
Do not consume more than one teaspoon cinnamon in a single day (1/2 tea spoon in morning and ½ tea spoon at night is good enough for desired results.)

Cinnamon, Lemon, honey and Ginger for weight loss

Cinnamon ginger honey lemon for weight loss
We all are familiar with tons of benefits that Honey Lemon and ginger offers. In fact Lemon, Ginger and Honey was used to cure heart disease in ancient times.
Let’s take this combination even further by adding cinnamon to it.
Cinnamon when mixed with Honey, Lemon and ginger becomes a potent anti-obesity medicine. It not only reduces the overall body weight but also cleanses the arterial plaque and liver.
This mixture when consumed thrice a week for a month will give you astounding results. Best part of it is that you don’t have to work out like crazy body builders or gymnast.
Cinnamon, Lemon, Ginger and honey works by boosting the metabolism and fighting free radicals in your body. So don’t be surprised if you lose weight by 5 – 10 pounds within couple of months.
Note: Using cinnamon for weight loss is a good idea but overdose is definitely not a wise idea. Stick to one teaspoon  a day.
So how do you make this amazing fat cutter?
Make this drink in 6 easy steps.
Step 1: Cut the lemons by removing the seeds. Make sure you don’t peel off the skin, keep the skin intact.
Step 2: Take one inch ginger and peel it off. Chop the ginger so it can fit appropriately in the grinder.
Step 3: Add some water and grind Lemon and ginger into a paste.
Step 4: Take two glasses of water in a pan. Boil it by adding the ginger lemon paste on a mild flame. Stop it once you have one glass of water left in the Pan.
Step 5: Let the mixture cool down, add ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder on it.
Step 6: Drink 2 table spoon of this mixture twice a day.

Cinnamon and Clove for weight loss

cinnamon and clove for weight loss
Clove is an ancient medicine that was primarily used to control tooth ache. Having said that there are truckloads of other benefits that Clove has to offer.
In Ayurveda, clove is prescribed to cure disrupted inner linings of GI tract. Moreover Cloves reduces inflammation and fights free radicals too.

We all know that Obesity or being overweight is mostly due to inflamed fat cells in the body.
Consuming Cinnamon and Cloves for weight loss is the perfect option for those looking to lose weight naturally without any drugs.
Preparing Cinnamon and clove water is just as easy as boiling a glass of water. To make this drink all you need is a glass of water, small cinnamon stick and 2 cloves.
This is how you make cinnamon and clove water.
Step 1: Take half inch Cinnamon and two cloves
Step 2: Take a glass of water and add it to a pan.
Step 3: Boil Cloves and Cinnamon stick until the water turns brown.
Step 4: Let it cool until its Luke warm and have it twice a day.
Additionally you can also use Cinnamon Powder instead of stick, this is how you do it.
Step 1: Take Half Teaspoon cinnamon powder
Step 2: Take a Glass of water
Step 3: Take two cloves
Step 4: Boil the water with Cloves in it, do not add cinnamon powder now.
Step 5: Moment the water turns brown let the water cool down.
Step 6: Add half teaspoon Cinnamon powder mix it well and have it.

Cinnamon and Cardamom for losing weight

Cardamom and cinnamon for weight loss
This is similar to what I have mentioned above, instead of cloves you can add cardamom.
If you have noticed, I have mentioned all the combination that is directly or indirectly related to your digestive system therefore Cardamom is not a surprise.
Cardamom Seeds and whole cardamom is actually an ayurvedic medicine for weight loss when used in right dosage.
Cardamom is primarily prescribed to cure digestive issues such heartburn, Fatty liver, Stomach pain, gastrointestinal disorders and gallbladder problems.
While working on this cure what cardamom also does is enhancement of body’s fat assimilation capacity. This fat assimilation happens automatically when other digestive disorders are fixed.
Being Obese is not a natural phenomenon, it occurs due to underlying cause such as poor digestive system, poor metabolism, Thyroid, Diabetes, High blood pressure and many other factors.
When we fix the underlying cause by way of natural medicine such as cardamom and cinnamon weight loss just becomes a byproduct of it.
This is not a negative byproduct but a positive one as the weight attained after fixing the underlying cause is almost permanent and sustainable unless you start or pick up any bad habits such as smoking or alcohol consumption or too much oily food.
To make Cinnamon and Cardamom water for weight loss follow the below steps:
Step 1: Take a glass of water and put it in a pan
Step 2: Remove the Cardamom seeds and put it in the pan.
Step 3: Add half inch cinnamon stick
Step 4: Boil the water until its mild brown.
Step 5: Let it cool down, Have it twice a day.
Also you need to keep one thing in mind that you should not try all the 16 combination at once. Instead try to use these combinations one day at a time.
You can also use Cinnamon powder instead of Whole stick cinnamon if you prefer.
The trick would remain the same i.e. Boil the water only with Cardamom seeds and let the water cool down, once the water is Luke warm add Cinnamon powder, mix it well and have it.

Cinnamon and fenugreek for weight loss

fenugreek seeds and cinnamon for weight loss

Fenugreek Seeds are excellent for treating Diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. It becomes potent weight loss drink combined with Cinnamon water or powder.
There are two ways you can make this combination.
1.) Overnight soaking
  • Take two spoonful of fenugreek seeds and mix it with half a glass of water and let it soak overnight.
  • In the morning take half a glass of water and half inch cinnamon stick and boil the water until its mild brown.
  • Cool down the mixture and mix it with Fenugreek water, consume it on empty stomach.
  • After an hour consume the fenugreek seeds by chewing it.
  • Don’t eat anything for next 1 hour, it’s OK to go for low fat breakfast after an hour.
2.) Boiling Fenugreek Seeds
  • Take a glass of water.
  • Put 2 tea spoonful of Fenugreek seeds
  • Boil the water until it changes the color
  • Let it cool down, strain and extract the water
  • Mix Cinnamon powder with Fenugreek water and have it empty stomach.
  • After 30 minutes chew the fenugreek seeds and don’t eat anything for next one hour.
I recommend the overnight soaking method as it works amazingly fast and it’s highly effective.

Cinnamon and turmeric for weight loss

Cinnamon and turmeric powder for weight loss

We all know the amazing benefits of turmeric and its anti-cancer properties. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory medicine in Ayurveda and is a powerful weight loss remedy.
Turmeric combined with Cinnamon will not only correct the metabolic disorder but also boost the fat burning process by correcting your Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
This is how you can make this simple drink for weight loss.
Step 1: Take a glass of water, add some turmeric powder and boil it for 3 – 4 minutes.
Step 2: Strain the water and Mix half tea spoon cinnamon powder and have it twice a day.
The other method to make Turmeric cinnamon weight loss drink is by boiling Cinnamon stick for a min and then adding turmeric powder.
Boil it for next 5 – 6 minutes, let the water cool down and have it twice a day.

Cinnamon mixed with Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Cinnamon and apple cider vinegar for weight loss 
Using Cinnamon and Apple cider vinegar for weight loss is an age old technique.
Apple cider vinegar alone is hugely popular for its weight loss benefits. When Cinnamon powder or water mixes with ACV, it becomes a typical weight loss medicine.
The reason this combination makes in my list is because Apple cider vinegar is hugely capable of flushing toxins out of liver and blood stream, while Cinnamon water or powder rejuvenates the cells with its high levels of antioxidants.
Simple way to make cinnamon and apple cider vinegar drink is outlined below:
  • Take a glass of water.
  • Half inch cinnamon stick.
  • Boil the Cinnamon Stick until its mild brown.
  • Let the mixture cool down.
  • Mix One teaspoon Apple cider vinegar, have it empty stomach every morning.
  • Additionally you can also add honey to it, avoid if you are diabetic.
Alternatively you can also use Cinnamon powder to make this drink. It’s even simpler to make this.
  • Take a glass of warm water.
  • Mix half teaspoon cinnamon powder.
  • Add one teaspoon Apple cider vinegar.
  • Add honey if you want and have it.
I personally recommend boiling cinnamon stick method.
Use any one of the methods mentioned above, don’t try to implement both at once. As the idea is to benefit from ideal dosage and not to overdose yourself.

Cinnamon and Ajwain for weight loss

Cinnamon and ajwain powder for weight loss 
Ajwain in English is also known as carom seeds.
In India Ajwain is being used since ancient times for curing gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
Ayurvedic doctors frequently prescribe Ajwain for treating stomach related ailments like.
  • Fatty Liver.
  • Reducing cholesterol.
  • Curing Acidity.
  • Correcting appetite.
  • Speeding up the digestion.
  • Treating diabetes.
While Ajwain is good in many ways, when ajwain / carom seeds, water is mixed with Cinnamon water or Powder it acts as Ayurvedic weight loss medicine. Below is how you can prepare this amazing weight loss drink .
  • Take a glass of water.
  • Take a teaspoon full of Ajwain seeds.
  • Boil the water until the water turns golden.
  • Let it cool down
  • Mix half tea spoon cinnamon powder, mix it well
  • Strain and accumulate water.
  • Have it before bed.
Alternate method to make this drink is by boiling both Cinnamon stick and Ajwain seeds together.
It’s recommended to take this mixture at least 3 times a week before bed especially when you eat heavy or high calorie dinner.

Cinnamon and black pepper for weight loss

 Black pepper and cinnamon for weight loss
Black pepper is loaded with tons of Minerals such as copper, Potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, Phosphorous and on and on…
Multiple studies have been conducted on Black pepper and it was found that it has the amazing capability of keeping your blood vessels elastic and open.
Black peppers have this amazing ability to clean your heart arteries and keep common ailments like cold and flu miles away.
The strong and hot flavor of pepper activates the body’s digestive function and boosts the metabolism better than any other herbs or medicine.
Black pepper together with cinnamon is more of a metabolism boosting drink and not a direct weight loss medicine.
It burns the unwanted fat through correcting the metabolism and correcting the liver function.
Regular consumption of this drink will ensure your liver does not produce excess cholesterol.
Moreover, if you are suffering from fatty liver this is the go to drink for you. Do not consume if you have cirrhosis of liver.
To make this weight loss drink you simply need to follow the below steps.
Step 1: Boil half inch cinnamon stick in a pan (Use one glass water only).
Step 2: Let the water become mild warm, mix 1/4th Teaspoon of black pepper.
Step 3: Have it once before breakfast or 2 hours after dinner before bed (Have this only once a day).
Alternatively, you can simply use Luke warm water, Add cinnamon and Black pepper powder mix it well and have it.
Add honey if you find it difficult to consume it. Avoid honey if you are diabetic.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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