Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Epilepsy-Autism Link

Until recently, there was only limited clinical research about the connection between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and epilepsy. But according to the doctors, it is estimated that about 20 to 30 percent of children with ASD will develop epilepsy once they reach adulthood.

Additionally, research finds that adults with epilepsy are more likely to show signs of autism and Asperger's syndrome. In fact, a 2016 study suggests that the two conditions may even have a co-dependent, "bidirectional relationship." Other recent studies even detail how epileptic seizures short-circuit the neurological function in the brain that affects socialization and involves the same traits seen in autism— impairment of normal social interaction (eye contact, conversation, enjoying the act of sharing with someone else) and tightly regimented or repetitive cycles of behavior. This means that in many cases, epileptic adults may not have been properly diagnosed or treated for autism symptoms.

Shedding Light on Socialization Challenges for Epileptics

Epilepsy is a brain disorder marked by recurring seizures or convulsions. Autism is a neuro-behavioral disease that includes impairment in social interaction and language development which often includes rigid, systematic repetitive behaviors. Both conditions can affect patients with varying degrees of severity.

Up to now, the social and behavioral challengers for some people with epilepsy have been under-diagnosed, and research has not uncovered any underlying theory to explain them. Without diagnosis, there is no treatment plan. And not surprisingly, the more frequent the epileptic seizures, the more severely impacted the patient’s socialization may be.

But the research evidence suggesting that the misfiring of the brain during a seizure may explain the socialization issues, brings a vast set of opportunities for adults with both conditions. It could mean that adults with epilepsy can now benefit from the wide range of autism treatment services available to address the socialization issues many epileptic patients have experienced throughout their lives. This offers the possibility of significantly improving epileptics' overall quality of life. Up to this point, there have been few services to address these needs.

Recognizing Symptoms of Epilepsy in Infants

The highest incidence of epilepsy occurs during the first year of life, when many new parents can overlook or misinterpret physical symptoms. Each year, 150,000 people in the United States will have a newly occurring single seizure, that's 48 for every 100,000 people according to the doctors. During early childhood development, infants often exhibit a variety of erratic physical movements and mannerisms which may not cause immediate concern. But babies or children presenting any of these symptoms should be seen by a doctor immediately:
  • A prolonged staring spell
  • Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
  • Lack of response or awareness to verbal stimulation
  • Shaking, loss of balance or smacking of the lips

Specialty Care for Children With Epilepsy

If you suspect your child may have experienced a seizure, contact your pediatrician immediately for an evaluation. While seizures are frightening for parents and caregivers, it is important to observe and record the duration of the episode as well as the symptoms the child exhibited before and after the episode. Be sure to share this valuable information with your doctor. Keep in mind, some hospitals offer specialized epilepsy treatment programs exclusively for pediatric patients.

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