Thursday, April 05, 2018

Is Drinking Water Without Brushing Beneficial?

Most of us don't like to talk too without brushing our teeth in the morning, thinking that all the bacteria from our mouth will go to our stomach and makes us more sick. But if you ask the Japanese, they'll say that it is good to drink at least 2 glasses of water without brushing, as it is very helpful for our health !

Now, it is said that there is no scientific logic that one can't drink water without brushing the teeth, as after all, our stomach contains such powerful acids, that the bacteria once it enters the stomach with the water, will all die. Then, you'll surely want to know what are the benefits of drinking water without brushing the teeth, When you wake up after a long night’s sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. No matter how much water you drank the day before, you have used up all your stores. The body never stops working while you sleep. The heart continues pumping blood, we continue breathing and all metabolic activities continue functioning, even if it’s at a slower rate.
The benefits of drinking water early morning without brushing include re-hydration, boosting metabolism, and giving a push to your kidneys telling them to start the day on a refreshing note. You’re actually getting your body set to begin the day. Compare this to the norm of drinking a 16 oz. cup of coffee (loaded with sugar and caffeine) which can further dehydrate your already thirsty body.
Immediate, major noticeable benefits of drinking water early morning without brushing include:

1. Hydration

Water is an inexpensive (or free), widely available, caffeine free and naturally low in sodium liquid ready for ingestion any time of the day. Rather than filling up on carbonated drinks, full of nutrient deficient, empty calories and or caffeinated beverages all day, making water preferable as a primary source of hydration is the best choice a person can make.
Dehydration isn’t as uncommon as people might think and it comes in many forms. Dehydration doesn’t necessarily mean you’re feeling lightheaded and thirsty. Dehydration simply means the body isn’t getting the water it needs to run at its fullest.
We’re constantly losing water through urine, stool, tears, breath and sweat. Even when we are not sweating, there is some evaporation of water through our skin. We need to continue replenishing the water content of our body by sipping small amounts all day.
Most health professionals recommend taking 8 glasses of 8 oz water throughout the day. This is called the 8×8 rule. This equals to about 2 liters of pure water, no caffeine, no sugars, no cream.

2. Heartburn and Indigestion

This is very simple. Heart burn and indigestion are mostly a result of increased acidity in the stomach that causes it to reflux back into the esophagus. The cause is mostly over eating, eating fast, eating spicy or oily food. Those who suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) are asked to sleep with their head elevated to ease the discomfort of heart burn.
Drinking water early morning without brushing and on an empty stomach will push down and dilute any of the acid in the empty stomach that is waiting to cause discomfort. It will also fill up the stomach to give it a head start, so as to churn any food that is ready to come in.
It is recommended that you start your day with a glass of water and a heavy breakfast to keep you feeling full, fresh and active all day long.

3. Regulate Bowel Activity

The main cause of constipation is dehydration. The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach will not only cure dehydration but it will help relieve constipation and stimulate a bowel movement in the morning. This is a great way to start the day.
Your body depends on rhythmic contractions that occur in your colon to help move the food along. These contractions depend on gastrocolic reflex, which is when you fill your stomach with food or drink and your body sensing a new arrival sends signals to your intestines to evacuate. This increases the likelihood of a bowel movement. To achieve this, water is a the best calorie free choice.

4. Glowing Skin And Shiny Hair

It has been found that adequate hydration has a profound effect on healthy skin and hair. Without water, skin would appear dull with prominent pores and wrinkles. A variety of skin structures that support collagen build up responsible for skin elasticity require water to work effectively.
One study shows that every 500 ml (2cups) of water taken on an empty stomach increases blood flow to the skin, making it look radiant. Another study summarizes that drinking more than 2 L of water per day can have a significant impact on skin physiology.
Water also increases the metabolic rate and promotes the digestive system to flush out toxins from the body. This in turn also gives you a healthy and glowing skin.

Just like our skin, hair also needs lubrication from inside out. Dehydration has a direct impact on the growth of hair. Lack of moisture results in dry and brittle hair and water is a natural miracle ingredient that supports vitamin consumption and assists in efficient and healthy hair growth. Water makes up almost ¼ of the weight of a hair strand, thus drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day will give you gleaming and healthy tresses. Our hair thrives on moisture-rich environment and water is one of the best ways to quench its thirst. While regular intake of water is the key, drinking water early morning without brushing is recommended.

5. Prevents Gall Stones, Kidney Stones And Bladder Infections

Drinking water early morning without brushing is known for preventing stones in the gall bladder and kidneys. This is basically because of its diluting effect. However it is essential to maintain a balance between the water intake and water output.
Naturally we cannot count how much water is lost when we sweat, especially after a workout or some strenuous activity, so we tend to keep drinking to rehydrate. Normally, a healthy kidney has the capacity to excrete 800 ml to 1 liter of water every hour. Every 3-4 liters of fluid ingested, including water in food and other beverages will produce 2.5-3 liters of urine. So it is not recommended to take in more than 1 liter (4-6 glasses) of water in one hour as it will put a load on the kidney.
It is also advisable to consume those foods which have higher water content- grapes,berries, melons, citrus fruits, tomatoes, limit your salt intake. The more urine you pass, the better it is for kidneys and bladder infections.

6. Water As A Superb Detox

Another benefit of drinking water on an empty stomach is that you provide your body with a good supply of fluid to flush out the toxic waste products of metabolism that formed throughout the night. This cleansing process gets rid of harmful substances that could have disrupted the normal functioning of the body. Water removes toxins and waste products from the body thereby cleansing it. Water is required to process all the nutrients from the food we eat and carry the assimilated nutrients to the cells.

7) Aids weight loss- Drinking water every morning helps you to lose weight by a significant margin due to the fact it occupies the stomach killing the desire to eat much in the morning. Yes, that is quite true, as now, I started drinking at least a glass of water without brushing, then after brushing, gulp down about 2 glasses with my medicines, then drink cinnamon-turmeric-ginger tea, by which I've given up my craze for early morning cup of tea. Drinking water, curbs our appetite, so you'll automatically start losing weight.

8)Boosts your immunity- Drinking water every morning strengthens your immunity system. Helps you to fight diseases and germs much better.Your metabolism gets boosted when you drink water resulting in faster digestion and metabolic rate. It also keeps you hydrated through the day.

9)Clears the bowels- After your drink water in the morning, you will get an urge of flushing out your bowels. This way the bowels remain clear and you do not face any constipation problems.

10)Prevents headaches and migraines effectively, as one is well hydrated and it also helps in preventing colon infection because your bowels get cleared easily.

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