Saturday, March 03, 2012

Ovarian cancer forms outside ovaries

A new study found that th4e deadliest type of ovarian cancer, high grade serous cancer ( HGSC) which accounts for 90% of deaths, often starts in the fallopian tubes rather than the ovaries. If the symptoms are recognized early enough, it can be diagnosed & treated effectively.

The study also found that women over 50 years who suffer from bloating, high urinary frequency, abdominal or pelvic discomfort are about 10 times more likely to have certain ovarian cancer than those who do not.

According to the researchers, as the high grade serous cancer often starts in the fallopian tubes, so the traditional tests- ultrasound scan of the ovaries & the one-off CA125 blood tes are not enough to diagnose HGSC in time.


1) Feeling full after eating only a few bites or loss of appetite.

2) Change of bowel habits.

3) Bloating, distension of abdomen, clothes around the waist feeling too tight.

4) Weight loss but not because of dieting.

5) Nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

6) Gas, burping, indigestion.

7) Increased urinary frequency, need to urinate more urgently, pressure on the bladder, burning sensation when urinating, need to urinate but unable to do so, unable to empty bladder completely, feeling full after urinating.

8) Vaginal discharge, bleeding, spotting, deep pain during intercourse.

9) Discomfort or pain in the abdomen, pelvic region or lower back.

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