Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some ways to lower your cancer risk

Stop smoking as it not only causes lung cancer, but also affects one's eyes, skin, heart etc. Also being a smoker, your put your near & dear ones at risk, as they become passive smokers !

Learn to shed your weight, as being over weight  can lead to some cancers like- esophageal, pancreatic, gall bladder, breast, endometrial, and kidney cancers.

Be active, as being active, helps you to lose weight. Eat healthy, as it will increase your life span, by eating more fruits & vegetables, cut down on fats & non-vegetarian foods.

Alcohol consumption can raise your risk of cancer. Smoking & drinking together increases one's chance of getting cancer.

Learn to be stress free, as being stressful all the time, can lead to some types of cancers.

Be regular with your screening tests- as when cancers can be detected early with most tests, they can be easily treated, when detected & treated at an early stage, they chance of survival are more.

Know your family history, as when your parents, or close relatives are cancer survivors, then you may have a chance of getting cancer, so better to go for regular screening tests.

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