Thursday, February 25, 2021

5 Acupressure Points for Neck Pain

Do you suffer from neck pain? Muscle tension and back strain may be the cause. The worn joints and broken down cartilage can also be a factor. Neck pain usually centers on one location in your neck, but it can also be dispersed. This kind of pain can result in stiffness or spasms. So, what can we do to help ease the pain? For centuries, people have resorted to reflexology and acupressure to relieve neck pain. Acupressure focuses on points on your body that can be massaged and stimulated to relieve health conditions, Treating neck pain with reflexology is currently being evaluated for its effectiveness, Nevertheless, evidence suggests it works for some people. Below, you'll discover how pressure points might relieve your neck pain.
neck pain
The science behind pressure points and neck pain 
Acupuncture has been studied extensively for its treatment for neck pain. Some evidence indicates that acupuncture does indeed work for neck pain, though acupressure is not universally accepted as a neck pain treatment. Researchers, however, do wonder if the needles in acupuncture stimulate chemicals in your body that provide pain relief. However, it's not to say that acupressure should be ruled out as a holistic neck pain treatment. And it is believed that stimulating pressure points may relieve neck pain and soothe aching muscles. 
Pressure points for neck pain 
Try acupressure for neck pain relief by following these steps: 
1. Relax and breathe in deeply, being mindful to choose a comfortable and quiet setting to practice acupressure treatment. 
2. Use a firm, deep pressure to massage the points which you have identified (see below) to soothe your neck pain. Bear in mind that it is best to rotate your fingers in a circular or up-and-down motion for 3-4 minutes at each point. If you feel a sharp intense pain anywhere on the body, stop right away. 
3. Repeat the massage treatment throughout the day, if you feel that the pressure points have been effective. 
Take note of the following pressure points:
1. Jian Jing (GB21)
acupressure for neck pain
This point is located in the muscles of the shoulders, about halfway between your neck and where your arms behind. This point has been extensively studied in acupuncture for headaches and muscle tension. It may also successfully treat the pain of a sore or stiff neck. Be aware that stimulating this point may induce labor and should, therefore, be avoided during pregnancy. 
2. He Gu (L14) 
acupressure for neck pain
This point is on the 'web' fold of the skin between your thumb and forefinger. According to reflexologists, stimulating this point can relieve pain in many different parts of the body, including the neck. Once again, stimulating this point should be avoided during pregnancy. 
3. Wind Pool (Feng Chi/GB20)
acupressure for neck pain
The Feng Chi point is behind your earlobe, toward the top of your neck and the base of your skull. This point is used to treat everything from fatigue to a headache. Stimulating this pressure point will also improve a stiff neck caused by sleeping in an uncomfortable position. 
4. Zhong Zu (TE3)
 acupressure for neck pain
This point is located between the knuckles above your pinky and ring fingers. This pressure point may stimulate different parts of your brain when it's activated, promoting circulation and tension release. You can stimulate this point to relieve neck pain that is caused by tension or stress. 

5. Heaven’s Pillar 
acupressure for neck pain
This point is found on either side of your neck at the base of your skull. It is about two inches away from the top of where your backbone begins, right above your shoulders. Stimulating this point may help release congestion and swollen lymph nodes that can cause a sore neck. 
Acupressure and reflexology can complement other effective neck pain relief home remedies. You can use a warm compress, stretch, and even over-the-counter pain relief in addition to this. Normally, rest and self-care are sufficient and most neck pain tends to resolve on its own within a day or tow. However, recurring neck pain could indicate an issue with your sleeping arrangements or the amount of stress in your life. It could be a result of doing exercises incorrectly. If your neck pain is a result of an injury or a car accident, get the care you need from a physician and physical therapist.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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