Saturday, July 13, 2024

Expert Tells What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar For 14 Days

 Ever wonder why almost every diet plan, from fancy fads to personalized programs, tells you to cut back on sugar? It’s because sugar is like that frenemy who shows up with empty calories but no real nutrients, leaving you hungry again in no time. Plus, it messes with your energy levels, sending your blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride of highs and crashes. But what if you steered clear from sugar completely for two weeks? Ahmedabad-based Dietician Komal Patel, Clinical Nutritionist and Ambassador of FIT INDIA Movement initiated by Government of India tells us what you might experience:

• Quitting sugar is the biggest reset your body will ever have. It is almost like hitting the pause button. Over time you will see your palate adjusting to this newness while bringing down your cravings.

• If your body has been sore due to chronic inflammations like arthritis, cutting down on sugar can prove extremely beneficial. A 14-day detox can help your pain subside dramatically.

• My personal reason to cut down on sugars is to keep my skin healthy and young. You don’t want to disrupt the functioning of collagen, right?

• Lastly, in case you are looking at reducing weight for that next wedding or a bikini-bod, try this 14 day sugar free challenge and see yourself transform.

Don’t be surprised if I tell you that sugar lurks in most processed foods you’d eat while on a zero sugar diet, read those labels carefully!

That said, in my opinion any drastic step towards one’s body ought to have abrupt effects which may not last long! You can compare it with the gym cycle: you cardio your way to looking all ab-fab, but once your routine disrupts,you gain all that weight back!

While an absolute sugar fast might sound like a quick fix, it's important to consult a dietitian before diving in. They can help you create a safe and effective plan to reach your goals. 

As a thumb rule, you could start with swapping sugary snacks for delicious whole fruits like berries or a handful of almonds. Replace sugar with natural sweeteners and go in for veggies, whole grains and lean proteins to weave in a healthier and sustainable regimen.

As a nutritionist, I don’t promote quick fixes. It's about creating a healthy lifestyle that keeps you feeling your best. Think of building healthy habits like planting a garden. It takes time and care, but the rewards are worth it!

Here’s to a fitter, glowing and energetic version of you, sustainably. Rewarding, isn’t it?


This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement  for infor on cancer and health related topics
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