Sunday, September 11, 2022

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Guava

A plateful of slices of guava with a little sprinkle of chaat masala is a perfect crunchy snack to munch on. The versatility of the fruit also found its way in many scrumptious dishes that we like to enjoy from murrabas, salad, smoothies to luscious chutneys, we just can’t get enough of it. Guava is a dark-green tropical fruit belonging to the family of myrtle. The most suitable weather for harvesting this fruit is in humid and dry regions. Therefore, it is native to countries like Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America. In addition to being so delightfully sweet to taste, guavas are a treasure trove of health benefits. It is counted one of the best superfoods and they are indeed a storehouse of several nutrients that are essential for our body. Here are 5 reasons why guava should be included in your everyday diet.

1. Improve Digestion

Guavas are rich in dietary fibres and low in calories. This makes the fruit a perfect addition to the diet as it ensures to maintain a healthy regulation of the digestive system. Also, guava seeds work great as laxative and chewing the seeds of the fruit can help to relieve constipation.

2. Immunity Booster

This fruit is laden with vitamin C and antioxidant properties. Both of them together helps to fight against free-radicals that try to damage our healthy cells. This action further helps to boost our immunity by preventing the growth of various flu agents. Adding a few drops of guava extract in your tea could help to keep the flu at bay.

3. Diabetes Control

Not only are guavas replete in fibre, they also have a very low glycaemic index, which means they get metabolizes slowly and thus very gradually release the sugar in the bloodstream, thereby preventing blood sugar spikes.  

4. Reduce Period Cramps

Extracts of guava leaves are proven to be beneficial for alleviating cramps that most women suffer during periods. The anti-inflammatory properties present in the fruit is believed to reduce the uterine contraction, which is responsible for a painful period.

5. Stress Buster

The presence of a fair amount of magnesium in the fruit can help to relax the nerves. Consuming the fruit daily can help quell the stress to a great extent. 

6. Healthy Heart

As per, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 100 gms of guava contains 417 mg of potassium. This macronutrient is vital for our body as it makes sure that our blood pressure is in control. It also lowers the levels of triglycerides which in result decreases the chance of any heart-related ailments.

Guava can make a great addition to your summer diet with its umpteen nutrients.


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