How does dengue impact your blood platelet count?

With the surging rise in the number of dengue cases amidst unseasonal rains, there's now a need for extra preventive care and awareness about dengue. While dengue fever remains a disease best beaten with preventive practices, it's also important that people pay attention to timely recovery, and avoid complications- one of them being a sudden drop in platelet count.

Loss of platelets is one dreaded complication amongst dengue patients, and can impact recovery. While one battles the infection, many also require transfusions and how stable the platelet and blood count level is determines how healthy one may be. But how does a dengue virus so profoundly impact vital cells and cause platelets to drop? Is every case of low platelet count worrisome in dengue cases? We try to explain:

What role do platelet counts play in vital functioning?

Platelets are colourless, small fragments present in the bloodstream which help support important functions like hemostasis, thrombosis, infection and wound healing. They are primarily produced through the bone marrow, and help to prevent, stop and control clotting. Therefore, when the platelet count is low, or drops, the body cannot form clots (cannot stop or manage an infection spreading) and even lead to bleeding. While platelet loss can have a lot of underlying causes, the symptoms can lead to excessive bleeding, vital organ damage and other fatal symptoms, if not managed in time.