5 Food You Must Avoid Before Hitting the Bed
We always want to make sure that what we eat is healthy and safe. At the end of the day, we prefer to eat lite and healthy food as it helps in quick digestion. We drink coffee or tea to ward off the stressful day at the office. We prefer to eat junk to chill at the end of a hectic day. However, the drinks will have a severe effect on our sleep circle and unhealthy eating habits can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure to name a few.
Even though late-night snacks sounds tempting, it is bad for health. They have a severe impact on overall health and leads to chances of obesity, heart diseases and strokes.
Unhealthy food and uneven food consumption timing can lead to disruption in the sleep cycle and open doors for diseases. Even though it has become a part of this lifestyle, it is wrong and is highly unhealthy.
Here is a list of food that you must avoid before hitting the bed:
- Fried Food
Fried food like French fries, potato chips, burgers can lead to interference in your sleep cycle. It may also lead to gastric and digestion trouble. According to Shruti Bharadwaj, a senior Clinical Dietician, fried food causes water retention problems and also leads to hormonal changes in women. She says, “ One sign of water retention is feeling tightness in your skin upon waking up but feeling okay after some time. “
- Caffeine and Chocolate Bars
Coffee and sleep are enemies. They should be completely avoided before hitting the bed. The amino acid present in it will not allow you to sleep up until late. One should at least consume it before 8 hours of hitting the bed for a night of undisturbed sleep. Chocolate bars are energy boosters and according to health experts, they should be consumed in the daytime. It is better not to have them at night.
- Spicy Food
Lite and less spicy food should be consumed at night. Heavy and spicy food may lead to discomfort and difficulty in digesting food. Spicier the food, the harder it becomes to break down the food and digest it.
- Dessert
The concept of dessert is wonderful but they are not for the digestive system. Desserts are loaded with sugar and heavy consumption of sugar leads to sleeping disorders and discomfort. It can increase insulin resistance as you will have lesser physical activity and it will lead to difficulty in digesting the food. Shruti says, “Over a period of time it could increase your chances of developing Diabetes.”
- Alcohol
According to studies, alcohol can have an impact on sleep quality and duration in the longer run. It has a highly unhealthy presence of elements that can cause severe health issues. It can lead to a slowing down of the central nervous system.