Weightlifters Demonstrate True Pomegranate Power
Pomegranates are renowned for the amount of
antioxidants they contain, providing a whole range of health benefits.
In fact, it’s quite commonplace for people to drink pomegranate juice
regularly. What’s more is that scientific studies have shown that it can
assist active adults and athletes with their athletic performance.
Let’s take a closer look at this truly amazing fruit:
Pomegranate Facts
1. Pomegranates have been cultivated for thousands of years, and had a
significant role in cultures from ancient China and India, to the
societies that inhabited the shores of the Mediterranean. In fact, the
pomegranate is somewhat synonymous with the latter region.
2. Each part of a pomegranate contains valuable nutrients and
• Juice - quercetin, anthocyanins, vitamin C, ellagic acid, gallic
acid, catechin.
• Seeds - linolenic acid (CLA), linolenic acid, oleic acid, punicic
• Peel and pulp - quercetin, gallagic acid, kaempferol, punicalagin
• Roots and bark - gallic acid, punicotannic acid, mannite,
pelletierine, n-methylisopelletierine.
• Flower - oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, anthocyanins
3. The outer parts of the fruit are normally consumed as extracts,
whereas the juice and seeds are the parts that we usually eat and drink.
4. The antioxidants in pomegranates work in different ways to boost
health and athletic performance.
Our muscles during exercise
Depending on the intensity of a workout, our body undergoes varying
degrees of stress. Muscle tissues, cells and the central nervous system
are all affected.
Exercise-induced stress or oxidative stress means that normal bodily
functions are compromised as a result of physical exertion. This results
in the release of inflammatory chemicals, increased lactic acid levels,
discomfort and decreased energy.
Pomegranate juice helps athletes and active adults to train with less
fatigue and discomfort, so it is a popular fluid for them to drink in
order to improve their workouts.
So how does pomegranate juice help?
The abundance of polyphenols, quercetin and
nitrates found in pomegranate have been scientifically proven to
improve exercise performance and muscular strength.
Polyphenols are phytochemicals that are found in plant-based food
sources. They are also known as phenolics and are what give pomegranates
their vibrant color. Polyphenols reduce inflammation and protect the
cardiovascular system. An example of a polyphenol in pomegranate juice
is gallic acid, which improves muscle recovery and strength.
Pomegranates are also rich in quercetin, which is a naturally-occurring
bioflavonoid shown to reduce inflammation, remove toxins, and decrease
bodily cellular damage. Furthermore, this substance also contributes to
muscle recovery and improved exercise performance.
Another nutrient that pomegranates are rich in is nitrates, which also
help with athletic performance. Once consumed, nitrates turn into nitric
oxide in the body. Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels and increases
oxygen delivery to working muscles, in turn having a positive impact on
cardiorespiratory performance and muscle function.
The research backing up all of the above
The athletes under observation were Olympic
weightlifters. Seeing as the sport involves intense training that’s
usually followed by several days of weakness and soreness, the athletes
who practice it seemed like the perfect candidates to study the effect
of pomegranate juice on muscle recovery.
Nine elite weightlifters volunteered for the study. Eligible volunteers
were required to have at least three years of training experience and
train at least five times per week, with a session duration of 90-120
minutes each time. All of the selected weightlifters were in good
health, free of injury and not taking antioxidants or anti-inflammatory
drugs during the month prior to the testing period.
Their vital signs were recorded prior to the start of the experiment,
and then they were given a placebo followed by separate training using
pomegranate juice supplementation. The weightlifters were made to drink
750ml of pomegranate juice two days before the research started, and
continued drinking such an amount throughout its entirety.
The results showed that pomegranate juice
improved systolic blood pressure both during and after training.
Systolic blood pressure measures the pressure in the blood vessels as
the heart is beating. The juice seemed to have a positive effect on
heart rate and glucose readings. It also reduced blood serum biomarkers,
which are usually indicative of muscle injury when they return high
Other Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
1. It fights cancer
Research has shown that the antioxidants in pomegranates inhibit cancer
cell growth and the progression of both breast and prostate cancer.
2. It improves heart health
Regular consumption of pomegranate juice is said to reduce the incidence
of atherosclerosis, improve blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol
levels. In other words, the juice has a cardioprotective effect
3. It’s a hormone replacement therapy alternative
Seeing as it’s a rich source of polyphenols, pomegranate consumption is a
much safer alternative to hormone replacement therapy, which reduces
the risk of breast cancer.