Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Our Intellect & Emotions Always Struggle - time for some laugh

Think of this scenario: it’s 12 past midnight and you suddenly have hunger pangs. Your heart is aching to polish off that box of cookies you bought last week, but your brain warns you that doing so is harmful to your body. Ah, the eternal conflict between the heart and brain… If only they could be on the same page always! We’ve all faced it, haven’t we? Our intellect always tries to be the voice of reason but then our emotions, many a time, get the better of us. Comics artist Nick Seluk has portrayed exactly this in his amazingly funny and relatable comic strips.

Also known as The Awkward Yeti, these wonderful comics show how the brain and the heart engage in various conflicts over the simplest of things and the outcome is often amusing. 
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, fear of failure
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, music
Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, books
Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, ability
Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, good and bad
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, distractions
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, self doubt
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, life
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, mistakes
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, exercise Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, love
Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, past and future Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, ice cream
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, do nothing
 Funny Comics, Brain vs. Heart, thinking
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