Wednesday, May 12, 2021

COVID-19 Information: Know why day 5 to 10 are crucial for patients suffering from coronavirus

COVID-19 cases are increasing with every passing of the day, and to curb the outspread of the virus, state governments have been imposing stricter rules and complete lockdown. As hospitals are running out of beds, oxygen cylinders and other medical facilities, doctors are advising COVID-19 patients with mild or moderate infection to stay at home. However, not many know how to monitor their symptoms and why day 5 to 10 are crucial during the 14 day recovery period.

Ever since the second wave has hit the country, the virus has got deadlier that even the mildest cases can turn into worse. This is why day 5 to 10 are important when recovering from the coronavirus. So if you are someone who has tested positive for a virus and quarantined at home then, here's what you need to remember:

 Recovery depends on symptoms

According to the health experts, recovery from COVID-19 entirely depends upon the symptoms after Day 5 because the initial days of infection are confusing. Several patients have experience asymptomatic or mild symptoms and this why after Day 5 the actual severity can be determined. Not just this, it also helps in knowing the complication that a patient is likely to suffer post the infection.

What are the Symptoms which demand attention?

From Day 5 onwards, the symptoms enter the 'second phase', wherein the immune system produces antibodies to fight the virus. During this period, the patient's health can fluctuate, such as a dip in oxygen level, increase in fever, respiratory symptoms, heaviness, etc making it necessary to monitor the symptoms at regular intervals.

Who is most at risk?

Age plays a vital role in determining the severity of infection and recovery. As per health experts, patients who are suffering from obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, immuno-compromising conditions are at higher risk.

What to do when infection gets worse?

Timely detection can help in saving the patient, so if the patients get serious then immediately call your doctor for advice or shift the patient to the hospital for proper care.

I, sincerely feel, the persons shouldn't panic. Keep seeing some positive news, keep watching anything that makes you laugh, a hearty laugh produces antibodies to help you fight the virus. In case of breathlessness, lie in proning position, i.e.- lie with a pillow under you leg, one under the chin and 2 under your pelvic bone. See that your abdomen isn't pressed in this position, lie down as long as you can, then lie down on your sides, but not on your back- this is because our lungs are at the back, and they get compressed when we lie on our back. 

Keep sniffing 2-3 camphor pieces with a teaspoon of ajwain/ carom seeds, as it helps to increase your oxygen levels. 

One more thing you can do is a hand mudra, keep your thumb and the next 3 fingers touching at the tips, with the little finger straight. Keep doing this in one/ both hands as often as possible, it helps to increase your oxygen levels. I tried this after getting a msg and found it working, as my oxygen levels are around 92 normally, as I'm a COPD. After doing this mudra for more than a minute, it went up to 98-99 ! So, try all this, be positive, keep repeating, I can win this, hear some soothing music, eat healthy, keep yourself well hydrated. You'll be a winner. Good luck to all.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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