Tuesday, December 22, 2020

These Symptoms May Mean You're Not Getting Enough Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient that is vital for the growth and repair of the body and helps maintain good health. Protein is essentially the building block of the enzymes and hormones, along with muscles and skin in our body. A lack of protein could have many negative consequences for your body that you may not even notice initially. While uncommon in most developed countries, protein deficiency affects approximately one billion people worldwide. Consuming adequate amounts of protein is hence pivotal to staying healthy.

According to health experts, males should ideally consume 63 grams of protein daily while females should ensure that they're having at least 52 grams of protein every day. There should ideally be no problem in getting this required dose of protein for your body every day for most of us. However, many people fail to meet their daily protein requirements for various reasons and it leads to several unpleasant health issues. 
Protein deficiency can have an impact on almost all facets of body function. Today, we will have a look at some of the common signs and symptoms of a protein deficiency. These will give you an indication of whether or not you are getting sufficient protein.

1. Muscle loss  
 Our muscles are our body’s largest storehouse of protein. Without consuming sufficient protein, our muscle mass will be affected and can begin to deteriorate. This happens when the body doesn’t get enough dietary protein and takes it from the skeletal muscles instead, ultimately resulting in muscle wasting or a decrease in muscle mass. 
In the elderly, even a minor protein deficiency can lead to muscle wasting. In fact, one study in elderly men and women found that muscle loss was higher in those who consumed insufficient amounts of protein. Hence, seniors need to be extra mindful of their protein intake. 
2. Skin, Hair, and Nail Problems  
 Protein Deficiency, Hair Problems
Our hair, skin, and nails are largely made up of proteins like elastin, collagen, and keratin. A protein deficiency can, as a consequence, lead to thinning hair, dry and flaky skin, and weak nails with deep ridges in them. This happens because your body isn’t able to make the adequate proteins required for these organs. While these issues are generally seen in severe cases you should still be aware of your protein intake to be safe.

3. Swelling    Protein Deficiency, Swelling
One of the most common signs of inadequate protein intake is swelling (also called edema). This kind of swelling typically happens in the abdomen, feet, hands, or legs. According to health experts, this is caused by low amounts of human serum albumin, the protein responsible for preventing excessive amounts of fluid from building up in your tissues or other body compartments. Reduced human 
serum albumin levels can therefore cause an excess fluid accumulation in tissues, leading to swelling in certain places, especially the lower legs.
4. Weakness and Fatigue  Protein Deficiency, Weakness and Fatigue
While weakness and fatigue can be caused by a variety of issues, research has shown that even a week of insufficient protein intake can reduce muscle strength and affect the muscles in charge of the body’s posture and movement. This may then lead to weakness and fatigue, especially in people 55 years or older. 

Furthermore, as we mentioned above, a lack of protein can also make you lose muscle mass, which eventually causes you to lose strength and may slow down the metabolism. Experts also say that protein malnutrition results in moderate anemia, a condition resulting from a lack of red blood cells. Since blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, inadequate oxygen-rich blood can make you feel weary and exhausted.

5. Higher risk of bone fractures  
 Protein Deficiency, bone fractures
Not consuming enough protein can have an adverse effect on your bones as well because the macronutrient is crucial for maintaining and building bone density and strength. As a result, a dearth of it may weaken your bones and lead to an increased risk of fractures. 
A study on postmenopausal women had found that a higher animal-based protein intake was linked with a lower risk of hip fractures. Another study in postmenopausal women with recent hip fractures confirmed that taking 20 grams of protein supplements per day for half a year curbed bone loss by 2.3%. 
6. Unexplained hunger
 Protein Deficiency, hunger
This one isn’t quite surprising. Protein helps keep us fueled and plays an important part in appetite control. Along with carbs and fats, it’s one of three main sources of calories. Thus, if you find yourself feeling hungry a lot of time even though you have just eaten, it may be because you need more protein. 
A study focused on observing the satiety impact of a high-protein breakfast (including 35 grams) as against a normal-protein breakfast (including 13 grams), revealed that the participants who had a high-protein breakfast felt lesser post-meal food cravings in comparison with the group consuming the normal-protein meal. 
If you are regularly experiencing post-meal food cravings, the best thing you can do is add some protein-rich food like hard-boiled eggs, lentils, plain Greek yogurt, and white-meat poultry to your meals
7. Staying sick for a longer time 
 Protein Deficiency, sick
Our bodies need protein to digest and consume nutrients that keep us healthy. A protein deficit can lead to an impaired immune system function, resulting in an increased risk of infections. In fact, eating too little protein can severely damage your body’s ability to fight off viruses, bacteria, and toxins and leave you prone to being sick for long durations. 
A study in older women found that a low-protein diet for nine weeks substantially reduced their immune response. Experts also say that proteins can change the levels of good bacteria in your blood that help in fighting diseases. A dearth of it might consequently impair your body’s ability to fight infections like the common cold.

8. Mood swings   Protein Deficiency, Mood swings
Lack of protein can also negatively impact your mood. Many of the neurotransmitters (chemicals that help relay information between cells) in our brain are made of amino acids. Now, amino acids are the building blocks of protein while these neurotransmitters are mood regulators. Lesser amounts of protein in your diet could mean that your body is being unable to produce enough neurotransmitters and that may lead to mood swings or you feeling depressed without reason.
This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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