6 Signs of Acid Reflux
Acid reflux, also known as GERD
(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a common medical problem. Millions
of people are affected by GERD and sometimes they don't even realize
that they have it. In addition, acid reflux can cause other diseases.
According to researchers, it may aggravate
asthma, proven by the fact that the majority of asthmatics have GERD.
Acid-reflux is a long-term condition in which whatever you eat, comes
back up into the esophagus and causes unpleasant symptoms or
complications. People with excessive weight, pregnant women, smokers and
those who take certain medicines are at risk of developing it. So what
signs indicate that you may have GERD?
1. Acidic taste in the mouth
This condition is caused by the muscle or sphincter at the top of the
stomach. When it becomes weak, acid rises up into the food pipe and the
sour acidic taste can stay for weeks and be very irritating, affecting
your quality of life. This is an especially common problem among
pregnant women because there is more pressure on the stomach.
2. Regurgitation
This is the backing up of acid into your throat or mouth. You may
experience a bitter taste, burp or even vomit. It can occur at any time
but it gets especially worse at night. You may also wake up with bitter
liquid in your throat and a feeling of panic.
3. Heartburn
Many people have experienced heartburn, but few think they have had acid
reflux. Heartburn is a common symptom of GERD. Usually, symptoms of
heartburn include burning or discomfort in the middle of the lower chest
that can be felt after eating. The discomfort may increase when bending
over or lying flat on your back.
4. Dyspepsia
When experiencing acid reflux you may feel stomach discomfort. This
includes nausea after eating, upper abdominal pain, burping, and stomach
fullness. There are times when you don't feel hungry and you don't have
an appetite because of the feeling of fullness in your stomach.
5. Dysphagia
This means that you can feel the sensation of stacked food in your
throat and happens because of a narrowing of your esophagus. When this
happens it can become a challenge because you are unable to swallow so
you may not eat enough calories, leading to additional medical problems.
6. Coughing
While coughing is not a typical symptom of acid reflux, 25-40% of cases
are registered with a chronic cough.
How to avoid acid reflux:
1. Eat smaller portions. It's better to eat often than to have a big
meal once or twice per day.
2. Avoid alcohol, acid, spice and fatty foods.
3. Lose weight if needed.
4. Don't wear tight clothing.
5. Don't eat before sleeping.