Monday, November 16, 2020

8 Fake Coronavirus Remedies You Shouldn’t Spend Your Money On

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic refuses to relent and the world continues to pray that a permanent solution against the deadly virus is found as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also sparked a great interest in dubious cures against COVID-19. Nefarious parties all over the world are playing on the hopes and fears of people and introducing “miracle cures” that can help fight the disease. From foods to medicines, all sorts of items were promoted to supposedly provide protection from the novel coronavirus, and countless people have already been duped.

Unfortunately, these claims are not grounded in science and, as of now, there are no magical ways to boost our immune system or to cure yourself of COVID-19. To stay safe from the virus, you must follow the guidelines issued by the health authorities in your country. For now, we have listed a few of those “miracle cures” for COVID-19 you should never spend your money on.
1. Elderberry syrup “Miracle”  “Miracle” Coronavirus Products, Elderberry syrup
In the last few months, a few natural health organizations have claimed that extracts of elderberry syrup may help prevent a coronavirus infection in the early stages. The berries and flowers of elderberry are chock full of antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system and may also help fight colds. However, it is yet to be proven that the elderberry syrup will help keep the coronavirus at bay. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that manufacturers shouldn’t claim that elderberry products help deal with this virus. So, while you can certainly enjoy a glass of elderberry syrup for its various health benefits, don’t drink it in the hopes that it will combat the coronavirus. 
2. Sodium chlorite “Miracle” 
In August of this year, the FDA received several reports of sodium chlorite products being sold by many online shops as a "Miracle" Water Purification Solution or “Master” Mineral Solution for curing the coronavirus. When the sales of these products surged online, the FDA issued a consumer warning. Although sodium chlorite is an active ingredient in many disinfectants, it can be hazardous to health. These so-called “treatments” have already made many people sick and have caused side-effects like nausea and vomiting. 
While we are all desperately looking for a genuine treatment for the deadly virus, it is important NOT to fall prey to such dubious and potentially harmful products. 
3. Chloroquine “Miracle” 
“Miracle” Coronavirus Products, Chloroquine
Chloroquine is a low-cost drug that has been used for decades to treat malaria, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and various other diseases. During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors thought that chloroquine may help reduce the sickness in people with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. There was also hope that the drug might shorten the time when infected people are contagious. However, it was later found that chloroquine was causing heart problems in patients who were taking too much of it and was even suppressing the immune system of some. In fact, many people in Nigeria died after overdosing on the medication. 
Moreover, there was a lack of clarity everywhere on the kind of chloroquine that can be taken safely. This led to a man’s death in Arizona when he ingested a version of the drug that’s used to clean aquariums. 
In September of this year, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report declared that “current data indicate that the potential benefits of [hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine] do not outweigh their risks.” Experts have now cautioned against using chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of a hospital setting or a clinical trial due to the risk of developing heart problems. 
Also, remember that simply stocking up on chloroquine tablets as a potential COVID treatment will eventually lead to a shortage in supply and will deprive those people who genuinely require the drug. 
4. Tea “Miracle” 
“Miracle” Coronavirus Products, Tea
Drinking tea is considered good for health for a variety of reasons. However, it will certainly not help you combat the coronavirus. Earlier this year, rumors began floating around on social media that drinking tea can help cure the coronavirus. Apparently, some people began claiming that Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who first detected the deadly coronavirus, had propagated tea as one of the proposed treatments for the disease. However, there’s no basis for this rumor. 
While drinking tea might help you feel better and is certainly not a harmful product, you shouldn’t rely on it to fight off the coronavirus.

5. Zinc supplements

“Miracle” Coronavirus Products, Zinc  
Another popular rumor is that taking zinc supplements can help treat COVID-19 or even prevent the disease. Zinc does help support the functioning of the human immune system and the mineral has shown good results against other coronaviruses. As this information spread, people began stocking up on zinc supplements by the hordes. Unfortunately, there’s no clinical evidence yet that zinc works on the novel coronavirus, which is quite different from the respiratory viruses we have previously faced. Moreover, taking too much zinc can lead to health problems like anemia and could even negatively affect your immune system. 
6. Vitamin C products “Miracle”
“Miracle” Coronavirus Products, Vitamin C
Like Time and again it has been proven that taking high doses of vitamin C or of any kind of vitamin is not effective at preventing respiratory infections. Vitamin C is known to play a role in supporting the normal functioning of the immune system. But, for some reason, there have been countless claims in recent months that this nutrient can also fight SARS-CoV-2. This misinformation stems from studies examining the link between vitamin C and the common cold. This has now led to an upsurge in the demand for vitamin C-enriched products like oranges and chewable tablets. 
At the moment, there’s no verifiable evidence to support the claim that vitamin C can prevent and treat the coronavirus or even the common cold. According to Peter McCaffery, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom, “Taking large doses of vitamin C tablets would be very unlikely to protect you from COVID-19—unless you were actually vitamin C deficient, which with a normal diet is quite rare.”

7. Distilled white vinegar “Miracle”
 “Miracle” Coronavirus Products, white vinegar
A few social media posts have claimed that distilled white vinegar can kill the coronavirus when you gargle with it or even use it to disinfect your home. Vinegar is a common household product that has a variety of uses. However, it won’t come of any help to you to kill this deadly virus as there’s no evidence to suggest that it has any antiviral benefits. In fact, there’s no product that you can gargle that can help eliminate the coronavirus. That being said, warm water can certainly help soothe your throat. 
8. Red Cross “home tests” “Miracle” 
Red Cross had to issue warnings when scammers impersonating Red Cross workers were found selling coronavirus “home test” kits. These scammers are going to people’s doors offering to do a test for the virus. However, they then charge people for a “test” involving Q-tips and a sample of nasal fluid. There have even been reports of these people just robbing a person’s home once they open the door. Thus, if you find any person offering coronavirus tests, you shouldn’t let them in and immediately call the authorities.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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