Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Eating Soaked Peanuts before breakfast can benefit health, help with weight loss

Peanuts are a healthful food consumed widely across the world mostly as a snack item. They are rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats. Peanuts contain several essential nutrients that may offer major health benefits, including better weight loss and reduced risk of heart disease. But do you also know that eating soaked peanuts early morning can be so good for your health?

To learn more about how eating soaked peanuts can be good for health, we spoke to a nutritionist who reveals some significant benefits of the legume and how you can incorporate this super-food into your morning routine for optimal health.

What are the benefits of soaked peanuts?

Peanuts are high in protein, fiber and healthful fats. They also contain plenty of potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and B vitamins along with other healthy nutrients. Besides these nutrients, peanuts contain beneficial plant compounds such as p-Coumaric acid, isoflavones, resveratrol, phytic acid, and phytosterols.

Some health benefits of eating soaked peanuts are:

  • It may support heart health.
  • It is very filling and can aid in weight loss. 
  • It may help prevent gallstone.
  • It may help manage blood sugar levels.
  • It can help treat skin problems.
  • It is good for boosting digestion and functioning of the brain.

Does peanut really help with weight loss?

Peanuts may help you lose weight or maintain weight. They contain various nutrients, including protein and insoluble dietary fibre, that make them a weight loss-friendly food. Research suggests that peanuts do not appear to contribute to weight gain despite being high in fat and calories. However, please note that there is no conclusive evidence that suggests peanuts are the best food for weight loss.

For instance, one small, 6-month study involving healthy women found that when other fat sources in a low-fat diet were replaced with peanuts, they lost about 3 kilos of weight. Similarly, another study found that healthy adults, who added 89 grams of peanuts to their daily diet for nearly 8 weeks, did not report as much weight as expected. However, these studies are all observational and, hence, the food does not guarantee weight loss.

When is the best time to eat soaked peanuts?

Ideally, soaked peanuts should be consumed in the morning before breakfast. Peanuts are often associated with weight loss as they boost satiety. Peanuts are quite high in calories, so they shouldn’t be eaten in excess. But eating them in moderation as part of a balanced diet may help you lose weight and improve health.

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