Sunday, September 06, 2020

Are You Pregnant? Follow These Winter Care Tips to Avoid Any Complication

The news of pregnancy brings joy in an expecting mother’s life. It is one of the most beautiful and relishing phases of a woman’s life. Apart from bringing happiness, it takes you through an array of physical and mental changes throughout the set 9 months. Your hormones’ level takes a toll on you, your immunity decreases, and you remain irritated most of the time. These are inevitable things that occur. Being an expecting mother, you need to take extra care of yourself, especially during winters. This season makes you more susceptible to various diseases and conditions. Also, the cold breeze can make your skin super dry and suck out the moisture. Here, we tell you about tricks to take your good care during the cold weather. 

Wear the right clothes

During pregnancy, your skin becomes extra sensitive and dry. Wearing anything uncomfortable or woolen clothes may irritate your skin. So, pick your clothes wisely. Do not go for tight clothes as they can make you feel nauseous. You can opt for a comfortable jacket that can be warm and good for your skin too. 

Stay hydrated

You should drink as much water as you can. During winters, people do not consume enough water and that leads to severe dehydration that is known to make your skin dry. During pregnancy, not being hydrated enough can cause complications including premature birth, increased pain during delivery, etc. So, make sure you consume water and fruit juices during this time. Also, stay away from aerated and caffeinated drinks. 

Stay physically active and eat healthy food

During cold weather, pregnant women become lazier and do not indulge in any activity. However, it is important for them to keep moving, going for a walk, or doing yoga. Indulging in them can keep you and your baby’s health good. Also, as mentioned above, winter brings flu and various other conditions. So, you must eat immunity-boosting food to keep them at bay. You can consume fruits, green vegetables, and milk.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement





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