Friday, September 11, 2020

Apart from a healthy diet, try these 5 ways to improve gut health

Given how much people rely on their 'gut feeling' before they make a big decision, or decide to undertake a venture, the assumption is that keeping the gut healthy may be very important. While 'gut feeling' is just an expression to convey one's intuition or feeling about a certain event or situation, the gut or the gastrointestinal tract still remains one of the most important parts of the body, as it is responsible for a healthy digestion, and transport of food from the mouth, to the other organs of the digestive system.

A healthy diet is one of the key factors associated with a healthy gut. The gut lining has microorganisms such as bacteria living in it, and these help in the breakdown of food as well. When you consume foods that boost the health and efficiency of the gut bacteria, your digestion improves. However, there are more ways to improve gut health as well, apart from diet.

5 ways to improve gut health, apart from diet

1. Stress management – Stress can have an adverse impact on your body, including your gut. Managing stress by taking appropriate breaks, avoiding situations that cause stress, meditation, or home remedies such as herbal teas, can help in improving gut health.

2. Hydration – Water comprises of more than 70 per cent of our body, and plays a crucial role in various body functions, including digestion. Staying hydrated is very important to improve gut health. Ensure that you drink at least 2-3 litres of water in a day.

3. Eat slowly – We have often heard our elders tell us that we should eat slowly, and chew our food for longer. This is because it helps in better synthesis of the food we eat, improves gut health, and also helps in better absorption of the food.

4. Get moving – Physical activity can play a crucial role in digestion and gut health. It helps in better absorption of food, and also boosts the digestive system. Some physical activity in the form of brisk walks, running, cycling, swimming, etc, should be incorporated in your routine.

5. Check for allergies – Some people suffer from poor gut health because they are unaware of allergies, or intolerances in their body. For instance, if you are lactose intolerant and drink milk, you are likely to experience bloating or diarrhoea, which can be signs of poor gut health. Avoiding foods you are allergic or intolerant to, can help improve gut health.

labels- healthy diet, improves, gut health, check for, allergies, keep moving, eat slowly, hydrated, stress management, lactose intolerant, bloating, diarrhea, physical activities,  


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