Saturday, April 04, 2020

Those who were born during or after World Wars know how to bounce back

Well, if you ask the 21st C kids to keep themselves busy during lock down due to global pandemic, without technology, they're just lost. Well, luckily, I belong to that generation, when I was born soon after India's independence, when the world was also coming to terms after the World War II. In those days, without the modern technology, we're extremely happy, knew how to keep ourselves happy with simple things. Above all, we lived in a building where there were 15 families, but, though as family, we all stayed in our premises, when it comes to any problem, we're one big family, supporting each other in every cause. Luckily, in those days, the school text books didn't change often, so, everyone knew how to carefully handle it, as it has to be passed down to about 20 people after you ! Yes, no joking, in each page, the person who is using it in that year, their name will be written down, so, in each page, you can see different names ! I was the youngest, so my name was last in the list. But, still no grumbling like modern kids, who don't like to use the text books of their elders!

During summer holidays, we kids will gather in our house in the afternoon to play, after all we had loads of energy to spend. One of the interesting games, which modern kids can never imagine is- collecting dried tamarind seeds and using it to play ! Yes, we used to make a big heap of the seeds, then we've turns to blow it hard. Whatever comes out from the pile, you're free to collect without touching the seeds from the pile. Once, you can't collect any more, the next person gets the chance to show his/ her lung power. Those who has collected the maximum is a winner ! So, you've to count your seeds carefully !

Then we had card game- donkey, or rummy, or carom or chess to play, which was usually played by the older kids, as we're kids ranging from toddlers to young adults. Then we had collected nice round pebbles, with 5 / 7, we used to play games. Once it is evening, we all would gather down in the building to play games which involved running around, may be  7 tiles, hide and seek,  hopping to catch your opponent. Climbing trees to pick guavas. Now, I really wonder how did I eat such tiny raw guava !

When it comes to festival, all the families join and celebrate together. Like the festival of light, Diwali, in those days for 25 Rs./ no joke, we're getting a big basket of crackers ! Now, you can't think of even buying a single cracker for 25 Rs ! There was rush to see who will burst the first cracker on Diwali after the traditional oil bath ! Then we used to go around sharing the delicacies prepared by our mom with others. So, plate full of these are exchanged. In those days, moms used to prepare each delicacy in a big container holding minimum 5-7 kg ! The preparations will start more than a week earlier, deciding which needs to be made last, which can be made earlier, which will last ! Mom used to make minimum 3 sweets  and 3 namkeens. Now, if we make 2 sweets and 2 namkeens itself is a big thing, as people have become calorie conscious and diabetics to make it worse.

Even after recession, Indians struggling to come to terms after independence, then we had 3 wars with our neighbours. Those days, we had rationing of our essential grains, as one production was less and secondly it was needed for the armed forces. Once a week, we had to fast, in a way it was good for health. We also learned to use wheat flour, when rice was in short supply to make namkeens. My aunt learned that you can steam wheat flour by tying in a cloth and keeping in a steamer. Then my mother used this in place of rice flour to make delicacies. Of course, the colour was darker, but what mattered more was taste. Think of the ingenuity of the women of those times, who didn't have technology to search for recipes, how they made do with what is available.

Here, I must mention, that most modern kids may not have heard to word telegram, well that was the fastest means of communication taking 2-3 days minimum to arrive. Here, according to the number of words, one has to pay, so minimum word, maximum communication should be there ! Telegram was basically used to send if someone is applying for a job or to join college or at times to convey the death of a near one in a far off place.

Landlines became common in homes only in 1970s, that too, it wasn't easy to get phone connection. You've to apply and wait for months. Then the landline will only help you to call directly those within the city. For your near and dear ones or for business connection, you had to book a call and keep waiting, as one can never guess how long it will take. Sadly, the calls were for 3 minutes, but before the 3 minutes would end, the operator will keep interrupting if you want the call to be extended, if yes, then by another 3 minutes at the most.

In 1974, hubby went to Germany, so the easiest means of communication was letter, which would take 2 weeks at the earliest to reach. As for calls, due to time difference,not sure when he is free, we had to wait and see the convenient time to call, again, no direct dialing, book a call and wait ! Cell phones came in 1990s if I'm not mistaken in India. Around the same time internet also started. TV came in 1960s. There was only 1 channel at that time, it was in black n white. Why, even in 1974, in West Germany, there were only 3 TV channels ! But, people kept themselves busy and amused with social connections and were quite innovative. 

Now, with lock down in most countries of the world, kids are at home, got to connect with teachers with online classes ! which was something, which we didn't know at all. Kids are bored at home. Like my grandsons, seeing their dad, our son having video conference as he is working from home, they're also having video conference with their friends ! each one with their own laptop and headphones ! So, daughter-in-law is having a tough time, trying to keep them busy. So, at times, video calls to play some word building games with grandparents. The kids have homework to do.

I'm sure like we overcame our problems after wars, resilience will happen, only people should strictly follow the rules. Sadly, some people don't understand the meaning of lockdown, congregate in a common place, without realizing that one sick person is enough to infect 100s of them at one go. This is the time for social distancing, which we're strictly following in our senior gated community, where, I've not seen many of my friends for almost 2 weeks now, as we get our food home, not in the dining hall, no meeting of friends, so no social activities, only Whatsapp to be connected with !

I pray for good health for all, for sense to prevail among those who don't understand the meaning of lock down and maintaining social distance. Hope, we're able to win the war over coronavirus soon and our planet is safe once again for us to live peacefully.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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