Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown in India- How we're spending our time

Many may find it difficult to stay indoors and keep away from talking to people. To be honest, I love to be alone often to introspect on many topics. As it gives me enough time, to think about various things, analyse and try to find a solution. Above all, it gives me plenty of time to meditate and continue my conversation with the Almighty. People may wonder, how is it possible to talk to Almighty. Very simple, just like talking to another human, I keep on my conversation with the Almighty and I do get answers in some way or another. Our very existence thrives on that faith and belief in that superpower which controls us all. We can call that power with whatever name that suits you, but it is just that one power that controls us.

God shows us the way, but sadly, man being greedy, often forgets about the existence of God and during times like coronavirus pandemic, God makes us realise that we're mere pawns in His hands. We're all at His mercy. I keep wondering what is the use of God having given us brains, men still use it to do the wrong things, like creating virus, spreading it and blaming it on others or on your sins ! Let us all strive to make this world a happier place to live in, do our small bits to extend the hand of friendship and help to fellow human-beings, learn to share our goods, knowledge for our betterment. Knowledge if not shared, becomes a waste, by sharing knowledge, many think that they'll lose it, NO, knowledge is lost when not shared.

Now, when most countries are facing lockdown to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus, we need each others help to survive. Like in our senior citizens home, we're all asked to stay indoors, not to visit the dining hall too, as food is supplied to our homes. Newspapers are delivered at the gate, someone takes the trouble to supply the papers to their friends. As, people can be asymptomatic, there is restriction in our games activities too, as recreation room, library, reading rooms are all closed. We've plenty of place within the complex to walk around, so one need not step out to walk too, as one can never predict from where one can carry infection. With old age, our immunities are low, especially for people like me who are cancer survivors with COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), due to which I'm on nebuliser and inhalers daily. There are others with heart diseases, diabetics. So, with age, our problems only increases, so, it is best to live in peace and use the time to meditate, as prayers are very powerful tool to reach the Almighty.

There is so much to learn from tiny creatures like ants. We, humans are most selfish, when there is food, we want to grab it all for ourselves, like now, during lockdown, people hoard more food than they need. Why not share it with your fellow human-beings. Yesterday, I saw a huge black ant more than inch long, crawling on my bed, God knows from where it came. By instinct, I knocked it down and crushed it with my slippers, as I was worried what will happen if it were to bite husband or self. Then within 30 minutes, I saw a line of smaller ants coming to feed on the dead ant ! I wonder how well they communicate with each other and many together carried the big ant on the wall, A couple of times, I watched them taking it up and falling down again ultimately, it fell down. But, this morning, the ants were back, trying to take its food to its nest. Hubby said, open the window, as then they'll get place to carry it, I, opened a window, then we saw ants, passing some message from one to another, soon, they took it to the other side of the window.  Then, they still continued to carry it up and up. Now, I can see few bits of the prey left, as they're feeding on it and taking it to their nests, to store for rainy season ! Wish, we humans can be as co-operative like the ants and help each other than being selfish and self-centered. Let us learn from these various creatures around us, how to live in peace and in harmony with the nature, than destroying the beautiful planet that we've.


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