Friday, September 06, 2019

The risk of these 4 mental health disorders increases due to extreme weather events

The brain is tricky. We seldom realise the many layers it has and how it functions as an organ, and how some events in our life can impact our mental health. The kind of childhood we have had, the relationships we share with people, and the places we grow up in are a few of the factors that affect our mental health and the risk of mental health disorders in the future. A recent report has, however, found that even extreme weather events can have a negative impact on our well-being.

Extreme weather events like floods can lead to loss of life and property. When people lose their homes, or when their houses are damaged by storms, floods or some other weather conditions, they are more likely to experience mental health issues, a study has found.

In a study, it was found that people with weather-damaged houses had poorer mental health, even if the damages were relatively minor and did not force them to move out of their houses. 

Other factors that increase the risk of mental health disorders like a social disadvantage, debt, poor physical health, etc. were also taken into account and it was found that people who suffered the wrath of weather extremities were 50 per cent more likely to experience poorer mental health.

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