Sunday, June 09, 2019

New study shows how diet, water intake and beverages affects children's brain

A new study has found how diet, water intake and beverages like coffee affect a child’s brain. According to the findings of the study, children who reported higher consumption of snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages scored lower on standardized academic tests, than children who consumed less of these foods. However, unhealthy diets were not linked to lower cognitive test scores in children.

Increase in water intake leads to better memory

The study suggested that children with greater habitual hydration performed better during tasks requiring cognitive flexibility. In addition, children showed improvements in their hydration levels and working memory after consuming a higher amount of water - 2.5 litres daily- than when instructed to drink just half a litre per day.

Better nutrition in the early stage leads to better child development

Under-nutrition, prevalent among young children worldwide can harm children’s development. In a randomized controlled trail conducted in 26 Indian villages, infants who received a multiple micro nutrient powder, an early learning intervention, or both, showed significant improvements in expressive language, visual reception, and social-emotional behavior compared with those receiving a placebo.

Effects of caffeine

Researchers also studied the effects of Caffeine and L-theanine, substances found in tea leaves, in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), They found five boys with ADHD showed better-sustained attention, improved cognitive performance and decreased impulsivity when taking caffeine and L-theanine supplements together compared to a placebo.

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