Sunday, January 27, 2019

Gum infection may be behind Alzheimer's disease

A new study published  found that gum infection could be a potential risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease. 

The bacteria, Porphyromonasgingivalis, known as Pg, causes the gum infection chronic periodontitis, causing chronic inflammation and potential loss of teeth, it was reported . 

The same bacteria was further found in 51 out of 53 brain autopsies of Alzheimer’s disease patients, according to new research.

The team also tested blocking the bacteria in mice by injecting small molecules targeting Pg, to inhibit it and found that it could reduce neurodegeneration in the brain, showing a potential new way to tackle Alzheimer's disease. 

According to researchers, the study “sheds light on an unexpected driver of Alzheimer’s pathology -- the bacterium commonly associated with chronic gum disease.”

Researcher further added that it also shows a “promising approach” to address the disease. 

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