Sunday, April 24, 2011

Heart Attack symptoms in women

Unlike men, women always may not have the same symptoms like men, sweating, nausea, chest pain, going down the arms etc.

Women need not be obese to get heart attack, one may be as young as 35 too. When you feel extreme fatigue, pain in left breast & arm, then pain moving to the shoulder & back, please don't ignore these signs. These symptoms can be followed by nausea, sweating, chest pain etc. Whatever, the symptoms, at first one may think of indigestion, gas etc. But most women may have dizziness, lower chest discomfort, upper abdominal pressure or discomfort that feels like indigestion, and upper back pain.Women are unfamiliar with these atypical symptoms and blame them on heartburn or indigestion, arthritis, or stress, experts say. If they become short of breath with little exertion, they tell themselves they are out of shape, overworked, or fatigued.

Please be aware of these unusual symptoms too, learn to find out which is the best & nearest place to find the best possible treatment,  Does the hospital have a cardiac catheterization lab that performs procedures such as angioplasties and stents?
-Is this “cath lab” available 24 hours, seven days a week?
-Is there a coronary bypass surgery program?
-Once a woman arrives in the emergency room with a heart attack, how quickly is she sent to the cath lab?
-Can doctors open a blocked blood vessel within the acceptable range of 90 minutes?
Be bold to tell the Dr. that they'd not ignore of heart attack possibility, be persistent, if doctors ignore your requests, ask for tests, ECG, aspirin, oxygen etc, as once heart muscles are damaged, then it can't be reversed.

For more information, you may go to the following site-

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