Thursday, October 07, 2010

Vitamin D & weight gain

Vitamin D and Weight Gain
After menopause, most women gain weight until they reach their mid 60s. There is evidence, though, that taking a vitamin D and calcium supplement may slow that weight gain. In one study, women who were not getting enough of those two nutrients at the start were 11% less likely to gain weight and more likely to maintain their weight or even lose weight as a result of taking the supplement.

Vitamin D and Children
Evidence shows that children who get adequate vitamin D, either from the sun or from supplements, may have a reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Studies also link inadequate vitamin D to more severe childhood asthma. Children with asthma who have low vitamin D levels have more hospitalizations and use more asthma medications.

Start Your Day With Vitamin D
One way to get vitamin D is through your diet. In the U.S., nearly all milk is fortified with vitamin D, and many brands of orange juice are, too. Even ready-to-eat breakfast cereals can contain a healthy dose. So just by making sure you eat breakfast, you can make every day a "D day."

Vitamin D at Dinner
Fish — especially fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines — are a good source of vitamin D. One 3-ounce portion of cooked salmon can provide nearly 200% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D. Three ounces of specially grown mushrooms that have been exposed to UVB light can provide 100%.

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